Parthe Pandit
Parthe Pandit
Thakur Family Chair Assistant Professor @ IIT Bombay
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Cited by
Plug in estimation in high dimensional linear inverse problems: A rigorous analysis
AK Fletcher, P Pandit, S Rangan, S Sarkar, P Schniter
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2019 (12), 124021, 2019
Mechanism for feature learning in neural networks and backpropagation-free machine learning models
A Radhakrishnan, D Beaglehole, P Pandit, M Belkin
Science 383 (6690), 1461-1467, 2024
Benign, tempered, or catastrophic: Toward a refined taxonomy of overfitting
N Mallinar, J Simon, A Abedsoltan, P Pandit, M Belkin, P Nakkiran
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 1182-1195, 2022
Generalization error of generalized linear models in high dimensions
M Emami, M Sahraee-Ardakan, P Pandit, S Rangan, A Fletcher
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2892-2901, 2020
Inference with deep generative priors in high dimensions
P Pandit, M Sahraee-Ardakan, S Rangan, P Schniter, AK Fletcher
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 1 (1), 336-347, 2020
Asymptotics of MAP inference in deep networks
P Pandit, M Sahraee, S Rangan, AK Fletcher
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 842-846, 2019
On the inconsistency of kernel ridgeless regression in fixed dimensions
D Beaglehole, M Belkin, P Pandit
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 5 (4), 854-872, 2023
Toward large kernel models
A Abedsoltan, M Belkin, P Pandit
International Conference on Machine Learning, 61-78, 2023
Structural segmentation of Hindustani concert audio with Posterior features
P Verma, TP Vinutha, P Pandit, P Rao
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015
Matrix inference and estimation in multi-layer models
P Pandit, M Sahraee Ardakan, S Rangan, P Schniter, AK Fletcher
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020
Mechanism of feature learning in convolutional neural networks
D Beaglehole, A Radhakrishnan, P Pandit, M Belkin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.00570, 2023
Implicit bias of linear rnns
M Emami, M Sahraee-Ardakan, P Pandit, S Rangan, AK Fletcher
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2982-2992, 2021
Generalized autoregressive linear models for discrete high-dimensional data
P Pandit, M Sahraee-Ardakan, AA Amini, S Rangan, AK Fletcher
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory 1 (3), 884-896, 2020
Kernel methods and multi-layer perceptrons learn linear models in high dimensions
M Sahraee-Ardakan, M Emami, P Pandit, S Rangan, AK Fletcher
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.08082, 2022
Refinement of the equilibrium of public goods games over networks: Efficiency and effort of specialized equilibria
P Pandit, AA Kulkarni
Journal of Mathematical Economics 79, 125-139, 2018
Discount-based pricing and capacity planning for ev charging under stochastic demand
P Pandit, S Coogan
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 6273-6278, 2018
Instability and local minima in GAN training with kernel discriminators
E Becker, P Pandit, S Rangan, AK Fletcher
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 20300-20312, 2022
A linear complementarity based characterization of the weighted independence number and the independent domination number in graphs
P Pandit, AA Kulkarni
Discrete Applied Mathematics 244, 155-169, 2018
Low-rank nonlinear decoding of -ECoG from the primary auditory cortex
M Emami, M Sahraee-Ardakan, P Pandit, AK Fletcher, S Rangan, ...
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, 2018
Emergence in non-neural models: grokking modular arithmetic via average gradient outer product
N Mallinar, D Beaglehole, L Zhu, A Radhakrishnan, P Pandit, M Belkin
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.20199, 2024
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Articles 1–20