Khaled Boulbrachene
Khaled Boulbrachene
Helmut-Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany
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FSI simulations of wind gusts impacting an air-inflated flexible membrane at Re= 100,000
G De Nayer, M Breuer, K Boulbrachene
Journal of Fluids and Structures 109, 103462, 2022
Drillstring Failure—Identification, Modeling, and Experimental Characterization
J Abdo, EM Hassan, K Boulbrachene, JCT Kwak
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B …, 2019
Assessment of two wind gust injection methods: Field velocity vs. split velocity method
K Boulbrachene, G De Nayer, M Breuer
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 218, 104790, 2021
Aeroelastic response of an elastically mounted 2-DOF airfoil and its gust-induced oscillations
K Boulbrachene, M Breuer
Journal of Fluids and Structures 117, 103828, 2023
Modeling and experimental investigations of drill pipe failure
J Abdo, EM Hassan, K Boulbrachene, J Kwak
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 58462 …, 2017
A numerical method to mimic an experimental wind gust generator: The immersed boundary gust generator
K Boulbrachene, M Breuer
Physics of Fluids 36 (1), 2024
Wind Gust-Induced Flutter of an Elastically Mounted Airfoil: A Fluid-Structure Interaction Study Based on LES
K Boulbrachene, M Breuer
ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 83-88, 2023
Implementation of an Immersed Boundary Method for a fourth-order Finite Volume Scheme
K Boulbrachene
Technical University of Munich, 2019
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