Matthew Zeidenberg
Matthew Zeidenberg
Clinical Associate Professor of Computer Science, New York University
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Do student success courses actually help community college students succeed?
M Zeidenberg, PD Jenkins, JC Calcagno
Neural network models in artificial intelligence
M Zeidenberg
Ellis Horwood Limited, 1990
Strategies for Promoting Gatekeeper Course Success among Students Needing Remediation: Research Report for the Virginia Community College System.
J Roksa, D Jenkins, SS Jaggars, M Zeidenberg, SW Cho
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2009
Educational outcomes of I-BEST, Washington State Community and Technical College system's integrated basic education and skills training program: Findings from a multivariate …
PD Jenkins, M Zeidenberg, GS Kienzl
Washington State's integrated basic education and skills training program (I-BEST): New evidence of effectiveness
M Zeidenberg, SW Cho, PD Jenkins
Testing the efficient markets hypothesis with gradient descent algorithms
G Tsibouris, M Zeidenberg
Neural networks in the capital markets 8, 127-136, 1995
Community colleges under stress
M Zeidenberg
Issues in Science and Technology 24 (4), 53-58, 2008
Getting Ready for College: An Implementation and Early Impacts Study of Eight Texas Developmental Summer Bridge Programs.
HD Wathington, EA Barnett, E Weissman, J Teres, J Pretlow, A Nakanishi
National Center for Postsecondary Research, 2011
What about the non-completers? The labor market returns to progress in community college
M Zeidenberg, M Scott, C Belfield
Economics of Education Review 49, 142-156, 2015
Building bridges to postsecondary training for low-skill adults: Outcomes of Washington State's I-Best Program
PD Jenkins, M Zeidenberg, GS Kienzl
Valuable learning or “spinning their wheels”? Understanding excess credits earned by community college associate degree completers
M Zeidenberg
Community College Review 43 (2), 123-141, 2015
Hidden STEM producers: Community colleges' multiple contributions to STEM education and workforce development
M Van Noy, M Zeidenberg
Rutgers University, 2014
Community college pathways to the STEM workforce: What are they, who follows them, and how?
M Van Noy, M Zeidenberg
New Directions for Community Colleges 2017 (178), 9-21, 2017
Not just math and English: Courses that pose obstacles to community college completion
M Zeidenberg, PD Jenkins
Human Resource Development and Career and Technical Education in American Community Colleges.
M Zeidenberg, T Bailey
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2010
The Context of Their Coursework: Understanding Course-Taking Patterns at Community Colleges by Clustering Student Transcripts. CCRC Working Paper No. 35.
M Zeidenberg, M Scott
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2011
Modeling the Brain
M Zeidenberg
Byte, 1987
Valuable learning or “spinning their wheels”
M Zeidenberg
Understanding excess credits earned by community college associate degree …, 2012
Washington State's Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training Program (I-BEST): New Evidence of Effectiveness. CCRC Working Paper No. 20.
M Zeidenberg, SW Cho, D Jenkins
Community College Research Center, Columbia University, 2010
The impact of risk-averse operation on the likelihood of extreme events in a simple model of infrastructure
BA Carreras, DE Newman, I Dobson, M Zeidenberg
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 19 (4), 2009
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