Matthias Hagner
Matthias Hagner
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Applying model-based software product line testing approaches to the automation engineering domain
M Lochau, J Bürdek, S Lity, M Hagner, C Legat, U Goltz, A Schürr
at-Automatisierungstechnik 62 (11), 771-780, 2014
UML-Based Analysis of Power Consumption for Real-Time Embedded Systems
M Hagner, A Aniculaesei, U Goltz
Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2011 …, 2011
Tool support for a scheduling analysis view
M Hagner, M Huhn
Modeling and Analyzis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems with the MARTE UML …, 2008
A methodology for model-based development and automated verification of software for aerospace systems
L Märtin, M Schatalov, M Hagner, U Goltz, O Maibaum
2013 IEEE aerospace conference, 1-19, 2013
Integration of scheduling analysis into uml based development processes through model transformation
M Hagner, U Goltz
Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT), Proceedings of the …, 2010
Engineering self-management into a robot control system
J Steiner, A Amado, U Goltz, M Hagner, M Huhn
Proceedings of 3rd International Colloquium of the Collaborative Research …, 2008
Runtime Analysis and Adaptation of a Hard Real-Time Robotic Control System.
J Steiner, M Hagner, U Goltz
J. Comput. 2 (10), 18-27, 2007
Dynamic distribution of robot control components under hard realtime constraints–modeling, experimental results and practical considerations
F Dietrich, J Maaß, M Hagner, J Steiner, U Goltz, A Raatz
Journal of Systems Architecture 59 (10), 1047-1066, 2013
Timing analysis using the MARTE profile in the design of rail automation systems
M Hagner, M Huhn, A Zechner
4th European Congress on Embedded Realtime Software (ERTS 08), 2008
Modellierung und Analyse von Zeitanforderungen basierend auf der UML
M Hagner, M Huhn
Workshop 110, 531-535, 2007
Runtime Analysis of a Self-Adaptive Hard Real-Time Robotic Control System
J Steiner, M Hagner
Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic and …, 2007
Model based quality assurance for a robotic software architecture
J Steiner, K Diethers, M Hagner, U Goltz
Robotic Systems for Handling and Assembly, 373-389, 2011
A Methodology for Scheduling Analysis Based on UML Development Models
M Hagner, U Goltz
Embedded Systems-Theory and Design Methodology, 2012
Automated Verification of Functional Interface Compatibility
S Kolatzki, U Goltz, M Hagner, A Rausch, B Schindler
Supporting Design Decisions in Interdisciplinary Product Development
B Mensing, C Stechert, M Hagner, JGS Ruelas, U Goltz, T Vietor
A Formal Definition for the Description of Distributed Concurrent Components Extended Version
S Kolatzki, M Hagner, U Goltz, A Rausch
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