Ulrich Poschinger
Ulrich Poschinger
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Transfer of optical orbital angular momentum to a bound electron
CT Schmiegelow, J Schulz, H Kaufmann, T Ruster, UG Poschinger, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12998, 2016
Observation of the Kibble–Zurek scaling law for defect formation in ion crystals
S Ulm, J Roßnagel, G Jacob, C Degünther, ST Dawkins, UG Poschinger, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2290, 2013
Controlling fast transport of cold trapped ions
A Walther, F Ziesel, T Ruster, ST Dawkins, K Ott, M Hettrich, K Singer, ...
Physical review letters 109 (8), 080501, 2012
Assessing the progress of trapped-ion processors towards fault-tolerant quantum computation
A Bermudez, X Xu, R Nigmatullin, J O’Gorman, V Negnevitsky, ...
Physical Review X 7 (4), 041061, 2017
Spin heat engine coupled to a harmonic-oscillator flywheel
D Von Lindenfels, O Gräb, CT Schmiegelow, V Kaushal, J Schulz, ...
Physical review letters 123 (8), 080602, 2019
Colloquium: Trapped ions as quantum bits: Essential numerical tools
K Singer, U Poschinger, M Murphy, P Ivanov, F Ziesel, T Calarco, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 82 (3), 2609-2632, 2010
A long-lived Zeeman trapped-ion qubit
T Ruster, CT Schmiegelow, H Kaufmann, C Warschburger, ...
Applied Physics B 122 (10), 254, 2016
Shuttling-based trapped-ion quantum information processing
V Kaushal, B Lekitsch, A Stahl, J Hilder, D Pijn, C Schmiegelow, ...
AVS Quantum Science 2 (1), 2020
Sideband cooling and coherent dynamics in a microchip multi-segmented ion trap
SA Schulz, U Poschinger, F Ziesel, F Schmidt-Kaler
New Journal of Physics 10 (4), 045007, 2008
Coherent control with shaped femtosecond laser pulses applied to ultracold molecules
W Salzmann, U Poschinger, R Wester, M Weidemüller, A Merli, SM Weber, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (2), 023414, 2006
Optimization of segmented linear Paul traps and transport of stored particles
S Schulz, U Poschinger, K Singer, F Schmidt‐Kaler
Fortschritte der Physik: Progress of Physics 54 (8‐10), 648-665, 2006
Experimental realization of fast ion separation in segmented Paul traps
T Ruster, C Warschburger, H Kaufmann, CT Schmiegelow, A Walther, ...
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033410, 2014
Fault-tolerant parity readout on a shuttling-based trapped-ion quantum computer
J Hilder, D Pijn, O Onishchenko, A Stahl, M Orth, B Lekitsch, ...
Physical Review X 12 (1), 011032, 2022
Cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing
MF Brandl, MW Van Mourik, L Postler, A Nolf, K Lakhmanskiy, RR Paiva, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (11), 2016
Entanglement-based dc magnetometry with separated ions
T Ruster, H Kaufmann, MA Luda, V Kaushal, CT Schmiegelow, ...
Physical Review X 7 (3), 031050, 2017
Fast ion swapping for quantum-information processing
H Kaufmann, T Ruster, CT Schmiegelow, MA Luda, V Kaushal, J Schulz, ...
Physical Review A 95 (5), 052319, 2017
Scalable creation of long-lived multipartite entanglement
H Kaufmann, T Ruster, CT Schmiegelow, MA Luda, V Kaushal, J Schulz, ...
Physical review letters 119 (15), 150503, 2017
Measurement of dipole matrix elements with a single trapped ion
M Hettrich, T Ruster, H Kaufmann, CF Roos, CT Schmiegelow, ...
Physical review letters 115 (14), 143003, 2015
Elements of quantum information
WP Schleich, H Walther
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Coherent manipulation of a 40Ca+ spin qubit in a micro ion trap
UG Poschinger, G Huber, F Ziesel, M Deiss, M Hettrich, SA Schulz, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (15), 154013, 2009
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