Alexander Troussov
Alexander Troussov
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Method and system for building and contracting a linguistic dictionary
HE Elshishiny, E Greevy, PFF Hsiao, A Nevidomskiy, A Troussov, ...
US Patent 8,090,571, 2012
Method and System for Finding a Focus of a Document
J Judge, A Nakayama, M Sogrin, A Troussov
US Patent 7,870,141, 2011
Spreading activation approach to tag-aware recommenders: modeling similarity on multidimensional networks
A Troussov, D Parra, P Brusilovsky
Proceedings of Workshop on Recommender Systems and the Social Web at the …, 2009
Mining socio-semantic networks using spreading activation technique
A Troussov, M Sogrin, J Judge, D Botvich
Proceedings of I-KNOW 8, 3-5, 2008
Finite state dictionary and method of production thereof
N Glushnev, SJ Koskenniemi, AV Troussov
US Patent 7,222,067, 2007
Galaxy: IBM ontological network miner
J Judge, M Sogrin, A Troussov
Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., 2007
Method and system for finding the focus of a document
K Cunnane, E Curran, J Macek, D McCloskey, B Moorehead, R Shannon, ...
US Patent 7,953,754, 2011
Navigating and annotating semantically-enabled networks of people and associated objects
S Kinsella, A Harth, A Troussov, M Sogrin, J Judge, C Hayes, JG Breslin
Why Context Matters: Applications of Social Network Analysis, 79-96, 2008
The decay of multiscale signals—a deterministic model of Burgers turbulence
SN Gurbatov, AV Troussov
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 145 (1-2), 47-64, 2000
Spreading activation methods
A Troussov, E Levner, C Bogdan, J Judge, D Botvich
Dynamic and advanced data mining for progressing technological development …, 2010
Linguistically Light Lexical Extensions for Ontologies.
B Davis, S Handschuh, A Troussov, J Judge, M Sogrin
LREC, 2008
Spread of activation methods
A Troussov, E Levner, C Bogdan, J Judge, D Botvich
Dynamic and Advanced Data Mining for Progressing Technological Development …, 2009
Semantics of Techno-Social Spaces
S Maruev, D Stefanovskyi, A Troussov
Modern Computational Models of Semantic Discovery in Natural Language, 204-234, 2015
Deep mining of custom declarations for commercial goods
S Maruev, D Stefanovskyi, A Frolov, A Troussov, J Curry
Procedia Economics and Finance 12, 397-402, 2014
Vectorised Spreading Activation algorithm for centrality measurement
A Troussov, F Dařena, J Žižka, D Parra-Santander, P Brusilovsky
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silvicultura. Mendelianae Brunensis 59 (7 …, 2011
Navigating networked data using polycentric fuzzy queries and the pile UI metaphor navigation
A Troussov, J Judge, M Sogrin, C Bogdan, H Edlund, Y Sundblad
Proceedings of the International SoNet Workshop, 5-12, 2008
Word Fragments Based Arabic Language Identification
H El-Shishiny, A Troussov, DJ McCloskey, M Takeuchi, A Nevidomsky, ...
Proceedings from NEMLAR International Conference on Arabic Language …, 2004
Per-node optimization of finite-state mechanisms for natural language processing
A Troussov, B O’Donovan, S Koskenniemi, N Glushnev
International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational …, 2003
Simulating activation propagation in social networks using the graph theory
F Dařena, A Troussov, J Žižka
Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun 58 (3), 21-28, 2010
The weather scenario generator
EA Kihn, MN Zhizhin, SJ Lowe, AV Troussov, RE Englebretson, RA Siquig
SIMULATION SERIES 31, 233-241, 1999
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