Michael Rustler
Michael Rustler
Dipl. Geoecologist, Groundwater Department, Komptenzzentrum Wasser Berlin gGmbH
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Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Geogenic groundwater contamination–definition, occurrence and relevance for drinking water production
G Grützmacher, PJS Kumar, M Rustler, S Hannappel, U Sauer
Zbl. Geol. Paläont. Teil. I 1, 69-75, 2013
A tool for minimizing the energy demand of drinking water well fields
V Philippon, A Sainz-Garcia, H Sonnenberg, M Alary, K Böhm, ...
IWA Water, Energy and Climate Conference, 2014
Optiwells-1 final synthesis report
M Staub, N Vautrin, M Rustler
dissemination approved by technical committee members: Marc Alary, Veolia …, 2012
Best data handling practices in water-related research
H Sonnenberg, M Rustler, M Riechel, N Caradot, P Rouault, A Matzinger
Water Practice and Technology 8 (3-4), wpt. 2013039, 2013
Wrap Your Model!
H Sonnenberg, M Rustler, V Philippon, N Caradot, A Matzinger
Decision Support for managing substance flows within the Berlin water cycle under climate
M Rustler, D Scharffetter, A Lompa
Decision support system for the multi-objective
M Rustler
Optiwells-2 Synthesis report
M Rustler, V Philippon, H Sonnenberg
dissemination approved by technical committee members: Boris David, Veolia …, 0
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