Dirk Oetting
Dirk Oetting
Marketing & Innovation, Hörzentrum Oldenburg, Germany
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Optimized loudness-function estimation for categorical loudness scaling data
D Oetting, T Brand, SD Ewert
Hearing Research 316, 16-27, 2014
Spectral and binaural loudness summation for hearing-impaired listeners
D Oetting, V Hohmann, JE Appell, B Kollmeier, SD Ewert
Hearing Research 335, 179-192, 2016
Method for analyzing personalized telephone speech in quiet and noisy environments in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners
T Bruns, D Oetting, M Meis, J Rennies
Speech Communication; 12. ITG Symposium, 1-5, 2016
Restoring perceived loudness for listeners with hearing loss
D Oetting, V Hohmann, JE Appell, B Kollmeier, SD Ewert
Ear and hearing 39 (4), 664-678, 2018
Advanced clean audio solution: Dialogue enhancement
H Fuchs, D Oetting
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 123 (5), 23-27, 2014
Physiologically motivated individual loudness model for normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners
I Pieper, M Mauermann, D Oetting, B Kollmeier, SD Ewert
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (2), 917-930, 2018
Potential consequences of spectral and binaural loudness summation for bilateral hearing aid fitting
M van Beurden, M Boymans, M van Geleuken, D Oetting, B Kollmeier, ...
Trends in Hearing 22, 2331216518805690, 2018
Loudness summation of equal loud narrowband signals in normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners
SD Ewert, D Oetting
International Journal of Audiology 57 (sup3), S71-S80, 2018
User-interface concepts for sound personalization in headphones
J Rennies, D Oetting, H Baumgartner, JE Appell
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2016 AES International Conference on …, 2016
Uni-and bilateral spectral loudness summation and binaural loudness summation with loudness matching and categorical loudness scaling
M van Beurden, M Boymans, M van Geleuken, D Oetting, B Kollmeier, ...
International Journal of Audiology 60 (5), 350-358, 2021
Subjective loudness ratings of vehicle noise with the hearing aid fitting methods NAL-NL2 and trueLOUDNESS
D Oetting, JH Bach, M Krueger, M Vormann, M Schulte, M Meis
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological …, 2019
Model-based loudness compensation for broad-and narrow-band signals
D Oetting, SD Ewert, V Hohmann, JE Appell
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological …, 2013
Apparatus and method for controlling the dynamic compressor and method for determining amplification values for a dynamic compressor
D Oetting, V Hohmann, SD Ewert, JE Appell
US Patent 10,356,534, 2019
Hearing supportive algorithm with self-adjustment user interface integrated in the telephone network
D Oetting, J Rennies, JE Appell
WTC 2014; World Telecommunications Congress 2014, 1-5, 2014
Evaluation of interfaces for the self-fitting of personalized communication systems by hearing-impaired users
S Ciba, A Volgenandt, T Bruns, R Asendorf, D Oetting, J Rennies
Fortschritte der Akustik 40, 68-69, 2014
Spatial speech-in-noise performance in simulated single-sided deaf and bimodal cochlear implant users in comparison with real patients
T Jürgens, T Wesarg, D Oetting, L Jung, B Williges
International Journal of Audiology 62 (1), 30-43, 2023
Speech intelligibility and loudness perception with the trueLOUDNESS fitting rule
F Kramer, MR Schädler, V Hohmann, D Oetting, A Warzybok
Proceedings of DAGA 46, 114-117, 2020
Vehicle noise: Loudness ratings, loudness models and future experiments with audiovisual immersive simulations
G Llorach, M Vormann, V Hohmann, D Oetting, C Fitschen, M Meis, ...
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 259 (3), 6752-6759, 2019
Fast and intuitive methods for characterizing hearing loss
D Oetting, B Kollmeier, SD Ewert
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Auditory and Audiological …, 2011
Development and evaluation of a loudness validation method with natural signals for hearing aid fitting
M Exter, T Jansen, L Hartog, D Oetting
Trends in Hearing 28, 23312165241299778, 2024
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