Algae and UV irradiation: effects on ultrastructure and related metabolic functions A Holzinger, C Lütz Micron 37 (3), 190-207, 2006 | 326 | 2006 |
Desiccation stress and tolerance in green algae: consequences for ultrastructure, physiological and molecular mechanisms A Holzinger, U Karsten Frontiers in plant science 4, 327, 2013 | 309 | 2013 |
Jasplakinolide: an actin-specific reagent that promotes actin polymerization A Holzinger Cytoskeleton methods and protocols, 71-87, 2010 | 236* | 2010 |
A new concordant partial AUC and partial c statistic for imbalanced data in the evaluation of machine learning algorithms AM Carrington, PW Fieguth, H Qazi, A Holzinger, HH Chen, F Mayr, ... BMC medical informatics and decision making 20, 1-12, 2020 | 162 | 2020 |
Green algae in alpine biological soil crust communities: acclimation strategies against ultraviolet radiation and dehydration U Karsten, A Holzinger Biodiversity and Conservation 23, 1845-1858, 2014 | 138 | 2014 |
Abiotic stress tolerance of charophyte green algae: new challenges for omics techniques A Holzinger, M Pichrtová Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 678, 2016 | 134 | 2016 |
Light, temperature, and desiccation effects on photosynthetic activity, and drought-induced ultrastructural changes in the green alga Klebsormidium dissectum (Streptophyta … U Karsten, A Holzinger Microbial ecology 63, 51-63, 2012 | 134 | 2012 |
Temperature-sensitive formation of chloroplast protrusions and stromules in mesophyll cells of Arabidopsis thaliana A Holzinger, O Buchner, C Lütz, MR Hanson Protoplasma 230, 23-30, 2007 | 131 | 2007 |
The vegetative arctic freshwater green alga Zygnema is insensitive to experimental UV exposure A Holzinger, MY Roleda, C Lütz Micron 40 (8), 831-838, 2009 | 126 | 2009 |
Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): allergenicity and molecular characterization of pollen after plant exposure to elevated NO2 F Zhao, A Elkelish, J Durner, C Lindermayr, JB Winkler, F Ruёff, ... Plant, cell & environment 39 (1), 147-164, 2016 | 124 | 2016 |
Transcriptomics of desiccation tolerance in the streptophyte green alga Klebsormidium reveal a land plant-like defense reaction A Holzinger, F Kaplan, K Blaas, B Zechmann, K Komsic-Buchmann, ... PloS one 9 (10), e110630, 2014 | 114 | 2014 |
Ecophysiology and ultrastructure of Ancylonema nordenskiöldii (Zygnematales, Streptophyta), causing brown ice on glaciers in Svalbard (high arctic) D Remias, A Holzinger, S Aigner, C Lütz Polar Biology 35, 899-908, 2012 | 103 | 2012 |
Desiccation stress causes structural and ultrastructural alterations in the aeroterrestrial green alga Klebsormidium crenulatum (Klebsormidiophyceae, Streptophyta) isolated … A Holzinger, C Lütz, U Karsten Journal of Phycology 47 (3), 591-602, 2011 | 102 | 2011 |
Fluorescent chlorophyll catabolites in bananas light up blue halos of cell death S Moser, T Müller, A Holzinger, C Lütz, S Jockusch, NJ Turro, B Kräutler Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (37), 15538-15543, 2009 | 91 | 2009 |
Molecular and Immunological Characterization of Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) Pollen after Exposure of the Plants to Elevated Ozone over a Whole … U Kanter, W Heller, J Durner, JB Winkler, M Engel, H Behrendt, ... PLoS One 8 (4), e61518, 2013 | 90 | 2013 |
Localization and Quantification of Callose in the Streptophyte Green Algae Zygnema and Klebsormidium: Correlation with Desiccation Tolerance K Herburger, A Holzinger Plant and Cell Physiology 56 (11), 2259-2270, 2015 | 88 | 2015 |
Physiology, ultrastructure and habitat of the ice alga Mesotaenium berggrenii (Zygnemaphyceae, Chlorophyta) from glaciers in the European Alps D Remias, A Holzinger, C Lütz Phycologia 48 (4), 302-312, 2009 | 88 | 2009 |
Jasplakinolide, a novel actin targeting peptide, inhibits cell growth and induces actin filament polymerization in the green alga Micrasterias A Holzinger, U Meindl Cell motility and the cytoskeleton 38 (4), 365-372, 1997 | 87 | 1997 |
Ultrastructure and photosynthesis in the supralittoral green macroalga Prasiola crispa from Spitsbergen (Norway) under UV exposure A Holzinger, U Karsten, C Lütz, C Wiencke Phycologia 45 (2), 168-177, 2006 | 86 | 2006 |