Marina Angélica Marciano
Marina Angélica Marciano
Professora Doutora no Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Disciplina de Endodontia, Faculdade
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Assessment of color stability of white mineral trioxide aggregate angelus and bismuth oxide in contact with tooth structure
MA Marciano, RM Costa, J Camilleri, RFL Mondelli, BM Guimarães, ...
Journal of Endodontics 40 (8), 1235-1240, 2014
Physical properties and interfacial adaptation of three epoxy resin–based sealers
MA Marciano, BM Guimarães, R Ordinola-Zapata, CM Bramante, ...
Journal of endodontics 37 (10), 1417-1421, 2011
Influence of powder‐to‐water ratio on radiopacity, setting time, pH, calcium ion release and a micro‐CT volumetric solubility of white mineral trioxide aggregate
BC Cavenago, TC Pereira, MAH Duarte, R Ordinola‐Zapata, ...
International endodontic journal 47 (2), 120-126, 2014
Dental discoloration caused by bismuth oxide in MTA in the presence of sodium hypochlorite
MA Marciano, MAH Duarte, J Camilleri
Clinical oral investigations 19, 2201-2209, 2015
Micro–computed tomography study of the internal anatomy of mesial root canals of mandibular molars
MH Villas-Bôas, N Bernardineli, BC Cavenago, M Marciano, ...
Journal of endodontics 37 (12), 1682-1686, 2011
Antimicrobial effect of endodontic solutions used as final irrigants on a dentine biofilm model
R Ordinola‐Zapata, CM Bramante, B Cavenago, MSZ Graeff, ...
International endodontic journal 45 (2), 162-168, 2012
Tricalcium silicate-based cements: properties and modifications
MAH Duarte, MA Marciano, RR Vivan, M Tanomaru Filho, JMG Tanomaru, ...
Brazilian oral research 32 (suppl 1), e70, 2018
Efficacy of xylene and passive ultrasonic irrigation on remaining root filling material during retreatment of anatomically complex teeth
BC Cavenago, R Ordinola‐Zapata, MAH Duarte, ...
International endodontic journal 47 (11), 1078-1083, 2014
Analysis of four gutta‐percha techniques used to fill mesial root canals of mandibular molars
MA Marciano, R Ordinola‐Zapata, T Cunha, MAH Duarte, BC Cavenago, ...
International endodontic journal 44 (4), 321-329, 2011
Influence of ultrasonic activation of 4 root canal sealers on the filling quality
BM Guimarães, PA Amoroso-Silva, MP Alcalde, MA Marciano, ...
Journal of endodontics 40 (7), 964-968, 2014
Calcium silicate-based sealers: Assessment of physicochemical properties, porosity and hydration
MA Marciano, MAH Duarte, J Camilleri
Dental Materials 32 (2), e30-e40, 2016
Microscopic analysis of the quality of obturation and physical properties of MTA F illapex
PA Amoroso‐Silva, BM Guimarães, MAL Marciano, MAH Duarte, ...
Microscopy research and technique 77 (12), 1031-1036, 2014
Color stability, radiopacity, and chemical characteristics of white mineral trioxide aggregate associated with 2 different vehicles in contact with blood
BM Guimarães, T Tartari, MA Marciano, RR Vivan, RFL Mondeli, ...
Journal of endodontics 41 (6), 947-952, 2015
Antibacterial and dissolution ability of sodium hypochlorite in different pHs on multi-species biofilms
A del Carpio-Perochena, CM Bramante, FB de Andrade, AGA Maliza, ...
Clinical Oral Investigations 19, 2067-2073, 2015
Interfacial adaptation of an epoxy-resin sealer and a self-etch sealer to root canal dentin using the System B or the single cone technique
BC Cavenago, MAH Duarte, R Ordinola-Zapata, MA Marciano, ...
Brazilian dental journal 23, 205-211, 2012
Efficacy of reciprocating and ultrasonic activation of 6% sodium hypochlorite in the reduction of microbial content and virulence factors in teeth with primary endodontic infection
E Aveiro, VM Chiarelli‐Neto, A de‐Jesus‐Soares, AA Zaia, CCR Ferraz, ...
International endodontic journal 53 (5), 604-618, 2020
Physicochemical, antimicrobial, and biological properties of White-MTAFlow
LE Pelepenko, F Saavedra, TBM Antunes, GF Bombarda, BPFA Gomes, ...
Clinical Oral Investigations 25, 663-672, 2021
Zinc oxide inhibits dental discoloration caused by white mineral trioxide aggregate angelus
MA Marciano, J Camilleri, RM Costa, MA Matsumoto, BM Guimaraes, ...
Journal of endodontics 43 (6), 1001-1007, 2017
Heating stability, physical and chemical analysis of calcium silicate‐based endodontic sealers
TBM Antunes, ACP Janini, LE Pelepenko, GF Abuna, EM Paiva, ...
International Endodontic Journal 54 (7), 1175-1188, 2021
Physical and chemical properties and subcutaneous implantation of mineral trioxide aggregate mixed with propylene glycol
MA Marciano, BM Guimaraes, P Amoroso-Silva, J Camilleri, MAH Duarte
Journal of Endodontics 42 (3), 474-479, 2016
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