Dr. Matthieu Deru
Dr. Matthieu Deru
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Integrating a multitouch kiosk system with mobile devices and multimodal interaction
S Bergweiler, M Deru, D Porta
ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 245-246, 2010
Deep Learning mit TensorFlow, Keras und TensorFlow.js
M Deru, A Ndiaye
Design and Implementation of Combined Mobile and Touchscreen-based Multimodal Web 3.0 Interfaces.
D Sonntag, M Deru, S Bergweiler
IC-AI, 974-979, 2009
Semiquantitative criteria in the eye bank that correlate with cornea guttata in donor corneas
T Safi, L Daas, GL Kiefer, M Sharma, A Ndiaye, M Deru, J Alexandersson, ...
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 238 (06), 680-687, 2021
Forecast quality of physics-based and data-driven pv performance models for a small-scale pv system
M Stüber, F Scherhag, M Deru, A Ndiaye, MM Sakha, B Brandherm, ...
Frontiers in Energy Research 9, 639346, 2021
Motion-based adaptation of information services for mobile users
M Bauer, M Deru
International Conference on User Modeling, 271-276, 2005
Building multimodal dialog user interfaces in the context of the internet of services
D Porta, M Deru, S Bergweiler, G Herzog, P Poller
Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, 145-162, 2014
Fostering access to data collections in the internet of things
A Kröner, J Haupert, C Hauck, M Deru, S Bergweiler
UBICOMM, 65-68, 2013
Grid serving deployment of smart meter data in the context of distribution grid automation
S Azad, E Schnittmann, M Ludwig, M Zdrallek, J Zimpel, A Schalk, ...
2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 1-6, 2019
SiAM-situation-adaptive multimodal interaction for innovative mobility concepts of the future
M Mitrevska, MM Moniri, R Neßelrath, T Schwartz, M Feld, Y Körber, ...
2015 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 180-183, 2015
Rheinwerk Verlag
M Deru, A Ndiaye
Bonn–see, 2019
A unified approach for semantic-based multimodal interaction
M Löckelt, M Deru, CH Schulz, S Bergweiler, T Becker, N Reithinger
Towards the Internet of Services: The THESEUS Research Program, 131-144, 2014
Surfing Google Earth on Wii Fit
M Deru, S Bergweiler
Retrieved, 2009
autoUI-ML: A design language for the flexible creation of automotive GUIs based on semantically represented data
M Deru, R Neßelrath
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 235-236, 2015
Enabling data collections for open-loop applications in the internet of things
A Kröner, J Haupert, M Deru, S Bergweiler, C Hauck
International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology Volume 7, Number 1 …, 2014
An AI-based decision support system for quality control applied to the use case donor cornea
GL Kiefer, T Safi, M Nadig, M Sharma, MM Sakha, A Ndiaye, M Deru, ...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 257-274, 2022
Integration erneuerbarer Energien–KI-basierte Vorhersageverfahren zur Stromerzeugung durch Photovoltaikanlagen
B Brandherm, M Deru, A Ndiaye, GL Kiefer, J Baus, R Gampfer
Data Science anwenden: Einführung, Anwendungen und Projekte, 147-170, 2021
Milky: On-product app for emotional product to human interactions
M Deru, S Bergweiler
Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Human-computer …, 2013
Mobile thumb interaction and speech
M Blinov, M Deru, D Sonntag
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer …, 2011
Multimodal Interactive System for Visualization of Energy Data in Extended Reality (XR) Settings
M Chikobava, A Moisieiev, TA Schmeyer, P Poller, M Deru, A Ndiaye, ...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 163-168, 2023
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Articles 1–20