Tomoshi Kameda
Tomoshi Kameda
産業技術総合研究所 人工知能研究センター
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On easy implementation of a variant of the replica exchange with solute tempering in GROMACS
T Terakawa, T Kameda, S Takada
Journal of computational chemistry 32 (7), 1228-1234, 2011
Machine-learning-guided mutagenesis for directed evolution of fluorescent proteins
Y Saito, M Oikawa, H Nakazawa, T Niide, T Kameda, K Tsuda, M Umetsu
ACS synthetic biology 7 (9), 2014-2022, 2018
Arginine-assisted solubilization system for drug substances: solubility experiment and simulation
A Hirano, T Kameda, T Arakawa, K Shiraki
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 (42), 13455-13462, 2010
Liquid-like droplet formation by tumor suppressor p53 induced by multivalent electrostatic interactions between two disordered domains
K Kamagata, S Kanbayashi, M Honda, Y Itoh, H Takahashi, T Kameda, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 580, 2020
NMR characterization of the interactions between lyso-GM1 aqueous micelles and amyloid β
M Yagi-Utsumi, T Kameda, Y Yamaguchi, K Kato
FEBS letters 584 (4), 831-836, 2010
Comprehensive prediction of lncRNA–RNA interactions in human transcriptome
G Terai, J Iwakiri, T Kameda, M Hamada, K Asai
BMC genomics 17, 153-164, 2016
Lanthanide-assisted NMR evaluation of a dynamic ensemble of oligosaccharide conformations
S Yamamoto, Y Zhang, T Yamaguchi, T Kameda, K Kato
Chemical Communications 48 (39), 4752-4754, 2012
Machine-learning-guided library design cycle for directed evolution of enzymes: the effects of training data composition on sequence space exploration
Y Saito, M Oikawa, T Sato, H Nakazawa, T Ito, T Kameda, K Tsuda, ...
Acs Catalysis 11 (23), 14615-14624, 2021
A covalent G-site inhibitor for glutathione S-transferase Pi (GSTP 1-1)
Y Shishido, F Tomoike, Y Kimura, K Kuwata, T Yano, K Fukui, H Fujikawa, ...
Chemical Communications 53 (81), 11138-11141, 2017
Interaction of arginine with Capto MMC in multimodal chromatography
A Hirano, T Arakawa, T Kameda
Journal of Chromatography A 1338, 58-66, 2014
Molecular dynamics simulation of the arginine-assisted solubilization of caffeic acid: intervention in the interaction
A Hirano, T Kameda, D Shinozaki, T Arakawa, K Shiraki
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (25), 7518-7527, 2013
Aromaphilicity Index of Amino Acids: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Protein Binding Affinity for Carbon Nanomaterials
A Hirano, T Kameda
ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (3), 2486-2495, 2021
Arginine Side Chains as a Dispersant for Individual Single‐Wall Carbon Nanotubes
A Hirano, T Tanaka, H Kataura, T Kameda
Chemistry–A European Journal 20 (17), 4922-4930, 2014
Pressure and temperature phase diagram for liquid–liquid phase separation of the RNA-binding protein fused in sarcoma
S Li, T Yoshizawa, R Yamazaki, A Fujiwara, T Kameda, R Kitahara
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (25), 6821-6829, 2021
Multiscale methods for protein folding simulations
W Li, H Yoshii, N Hori, T Kameda, S Takada
Methods 52 (1), 106-114, 2010
Paddling mechanism for the substrate translocation by AAA+ motor revealed by multiscale molecular simulations
N Koga, T Kameda, K Okazaki, S Takada
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (43), 18237-18242, 2009
Secondary structure provides a template for the folding of nearby polypeptides
T Kameda, S Takada
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (47), 17765-17770, 2006
Solution Structure of the Q41N Variant of Ubiquitin as a Model for the Alternatively Folded N2 State of Ubiquitin
S Kitazawa, T Kameda, M Yagi-Utsumi, K Sugase, NJ Baxter, K Kato, ...
Biochemistry 52 (11), 1874-1885, 2013
Developing a codon optimization method for improved expression of recombinant proteins in actinobacteria
Y Saito, W Kitagawa, T Kumagai, N Tajima, Y Nishimiya, K Tamano, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 8338, 2019
Improved accuracy in rna–protein rigid body docking by incorporating force field for molecular dynamics simulation into the scoring function
J Iwakiri, M Hamada, K Asai, T Kameda
Journal of chemical theory and computation 12 (9), 4688-4697, 2016
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