Volker Grimm
Volker Grimm
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Preserving energy resp. dissipation in numerical PDEs using the “Average Vector Field” method
E Celledoni, V Grimm, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, D O’Neale, B Owren, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (20), 6770-6789, 2012
Error analysis of exponential integrators for oscillatory second-order differential equations
V Grimm, M Hochbruck
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (19), 5495, 2006
Residual, restarting, and Richardson iteration for the matrix exponential
MA Botchev, V Grimm, M Hochbruck
SIAM journal on scientific computing 35 (3), A1376-A1397, 2013
On error bounds for the Gautschi-type exponential integrator applied to oscillatory second-order differential equations
V Grimm
Numerische Mathematik 100, 71-89, 2005
Rational approximation to trigonometric operators
V Grimm, M Hochbruck
BIT Numerical Mathematics 48, 215-229, 2008
Resolvent Krylov subspace approximation to operator functions
V Grimm
BIT Numerical Mathematics 52 (3), 639-659, 2012
A note on the Gautschi-type method for oscillatory second-order differential equations
V Grimm
Numerische Mathematik 102, 61-66, 2005
Geometric integration methods that preserve Lyapunov functions
V Grimm, GRW Quispel
BIT Numerical Mathematics 45, 709-723, 2005
Convergence Analysis of an Extended Krylov Subspace Method for the Approximation of Operator Functions in Exponential Integrators
T Göckler, V Grimm
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 51 (4), 2189--2213, 2013
On the use of the Gautschi-type exponential integrator for wave equations
V Grimm
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005 …, 2006
Discrete gradient methods for solving variational image regularisation models
V Grimm, RI McLachlan, DI McLaren, GRW Quispel, CB Schönlieb
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (29), 295201, 2017
Uniform Approximation of -Functions in Exponential Integrators by a Rational Krylov Subspace Method with Simple Poles
T Göckler, V Grimm
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 35 (4), 1467-1489, 2014
Closing the gap between trigonometric integrators and splitting methods for highly oscillatory differential equations
S Buchholz, L Gauckler, V Grimm, M Hochbruck, T Jahnke
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 38 (1), 57-74, 2018
Approximation of semigroups and related operator functions by resolvent series
V Grimm, M Gugat
SIAM journal on numerical analysis 48 (5), 1826-1845, 2010
Exponentielle integratoren als lange-Zeitschritt-Verfahren für oszillatorische Differentialgleichungen zweiter Ordnung
V Grimm
Zugriff auf https://docserv. uni-duesseldorf. de/servlets/DocumentServlet, 2002
Optimal boundary control of the wave equation with pointwise control constraints
M Gugat, V Grimm
Computational Optimization and Applications 49, 123-147, 2011
A generalized W-transformation for constructing symplectic partitioned Runge-Kutta methods
V Grimm, R Scherer
BIT Numerical Mathematics 43, 57-66, 2003
A higher‐order PDE‐based image registration approach
V Grimm, S Henn, K Witsch
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 13 (5), 399-417, 2006
Automatic Smoothness Detection of the Resolvent Krylov Subspace Method for the Approximation of -Semigroups
V Grimm, T Göckler
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 55 (3), 1483-1504, 2017
A conjugate-gradient-type rational Krylov subspace method for ill-posed problems
V Grimm
Inverse Problems 36 (1), 015008, 2019
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