Yaniv Morgenstern
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The human visual system's assumption that light comes from above is weak
Y Morgenstern, RF Murray, LR Harris
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (30), 12551-12553, 2011
Perception and reality: why a wholly empirical paradigm is needed to understand vision
D Purves, Y Morgenstern, WT Wojtach
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 9, 156, 2015
Human vision is attuned to the diffuseness of natural light
Y Morgenstern, WS Geisler, RF Murray
Journal of Vision 14 (9), 15-15, 2014
Cue combination on the circle and the sphere
RF Murray, Y Morgenstern
Journal of vision 10 (11), 15-15, 2010
An image-computable model of human visual shape similarity
Y Morgenstern, F Hartmann, F Schmidt, H Tiedemann, E Prokott, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (6), e1008981, 2021
One-shot categorization of novel object classes in humans
Y Morgenstern, F Schmidt, RW Fleming
Vision research 165, 98-108, 2019
Properties of artificial networks evolved to contend with natural spectra
Y Morgenstern, M Rostami, D Purves
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (supplement_3), 10868-10872, 2014
Mental object rotation based on two-dimensional visual representations
EEM Stewart, FT Hartmann, Y Morgenstern, KR Storrs, G Maiello, ...
Current Biology 32 (21), R1224-R1225, 2022
One-shot generalization in humans revealed through a drawing task
H Tiedemann, Y Morgenstern, F Schmidt, RW Fleming
Elife 11, e75485, 2022
Contrast sensitivity function in deep networks
A Akbarinia, Y Morgenstern, KR Gegenfurtner
Neural Networks 164, 228-244, 2023
Local visual energy mechanisms revealed by detection of global patterns
Y Morgenstern, JH Elder
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (11), 3679-3696, 2012
Properties of artificial neurons that report lightness based on accumulated experience with luminance
Y Morgenstern, DV Rukmini, BB Monson, D Purves
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 8, 134, 2014
Facilitation of allocentric coding by virtue of object-semantics
H Karimpur, Y Morgenstern, K Fiehler
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6263, 2019
The perceptual dimensions of natural dynamic flow
Y Morgenstern, DJ Kersten
Journal of vision 17 (12), 7-7, 2017
Will understanding vision require a wholly empirical paradigm?
D Purves, Y Morgenstern, WT Wojtach
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1072, 2015
The role of semantics in the perceptual organization of shape
F Schmidt, J Kleis, Y Morgenstern, RW Fleming
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 22141, 2020
The role of low-pass natural lighting regularities in human visual perception
Y Morgenstern
York University, 2011
Real-world illumination measurements with a multidirectional photometer
Y Morgenstern, RF Murray, WS Geisler
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 444-444, 2010
Contextual lighting cues can override the light-from-above prior
Y Morgenstern, RF Murray
Journal of Vision 9 (8), 65-65, 2009
Contrast dependence of spatial summation revealed by classification image analysis
Y Morgenstern, JH Elder, Y Hou
J. Vision 4, 439a, 2004
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