Wolf Harmening
Wolf Harmening
University of Bonn
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Mapping the perceptual grain of the human retina
WM Harmening, WS Tuten, A Roorda, LC Sincich
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (16), 5667-5677, 2014
Spatial contrast sensitivity and grating acuity of barn owls
WM Harmening, P Nikolay, J Orlowski, H Wagner
Journal of Vision 9 (7), 13-13, 2009
Benefits of retinal image motion at the limits of spatial vision
K Ratnam, N Domdei, WM Harmening, A Roorda
Journal of vision 17 (1), 30-30, 2017
Retinal injury following laser pointer exposure: a systematic review and case series
J Birtel, WM Harmening, TU Krohne, FG Holz, PC Issa, P Herrmann
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 114 (49), 831, 2017
Measurement and correction of transverse chromatic offsets for multi-wavelength retinal microscopy in the living eye
WM Harmening, P Tiruveedhula, A Roorda, LC Sincich
Biomedical optics express 3 (9), 2066-2077, 2012
Night vision in barn owls: visual acuity and contrast sensitivity under dark adaptation
J Orlowski, W Harmening, H Wagner
Journal of vision 12 (13), 4-4, 2012
Normal perceptual sensitivity arising from weakly reflective cone photoreceptors
KS Bruce, WM Harmening, BR Langston, WS Tuten, A Roorda, ...
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 56 (8), 4431-4438, 2015
From optics to attention: visual perception in barn owls
WM Harmening, H Wagner
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197, 1031-1042, 2011
Test-retest reliability of scotopic and mesopic fundus-controlled perimetry using a modified MAIA (macular integrity assessment) in normal eyes
M Pfau, M Lindner, M Fleckenstein, RP Finger, GS Rubin, WM Harmening, ...
Ophthalmologica 237 (1), 42-54, 2017
Effective dynamic range and retest reliability of dark-adapted two-color fundus-controlled perimetry in patients with macular diseases
M Pfau, M Lindner, PL Müller, J Birtel, RP Finger, WM Harmening, ...
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58 (6), BIO158-BIO167, 2017
High resolution imaging in microscopy and ophthalmology
SJ Sahl, SW Hell
Technology 15, 2019
Through a barn owl’s eyes: interactions between scene content and visual attention
S Ohayon, W Harmening, H Wagner, E Rivlin
Biological cybernetics 98, 115-132, 2008
Spatiochromatic interactions between individual cone photoreceptors in the human retina
WS Tuten, WM Harmening, R Sabesan, A Roorda, LC Sincich
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (39), 9498-9509, 2017
Human gaze is systematically offset from the center of cone topography
JL Reiniger, N Domdei, FG Holz, WM Harmening
Current Biology 31 (18), 4188-4193. e3, 2021
Perception of Haidinger brushes in macular disease depends on macular pigment density and visual acuity
PL Müller, S Müller, M Gliem, K Küpper, FG Holz, WM Harmening, PC Issa
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 57 (3), 1448-1456, 2016
Technical principles of OCT angiography
PP Fang, WM Harmening, PL Müller, M Lindner, TU Krohne, FG Holz
Der Ophthalmologe 113, 6-13, 2016
Ocular aberrations in barn owl eyes
WM Harmening, MA Vobig, P Walter, H Wagner
Vision Research 47 (23), 2934-2942, 2007
Disparity sensitivity in man and owl: Psychophysical evidence for equivalent perception of shape-from-stereo
RF van der Willigen, WM Harmening, S Vossen, H Wagner
Journal of vision 10 (1), 10-10, 2010
Evaluation of two minimally invasive techniques for electroencephalogram recording in wild or freely behaving animals
MF Scriba, WM Harmening, C Mettke-Hofmann, AL Vyssotski, A Roulin, ...
Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199, 183-189, 2013
Overt attention toward oriented objects in free-viewing barn owls
WM Harmening, J Orlowski, O Ben-Shahar, H Wagner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (20), 8461-8466, 2011
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Articles 1–20