Reducing food losses by intelligent food logistics R Jedermann, M Nicometo, I Uysal, W Lang Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2014 | 426 | 2014 |
Current-induced light emission from a porous silicon device A Richter, P Steiner, F Kozlowski, W Lang IEEE Electron Device Letters 12 (12), 691-692, 1991 | 420 | 1991 |
Spatial temperature profiling by semi-passive RFID loggers for perishable food transportation R Jedermann, L Ruiz-Garcia, W Lang Computers and electronics in Agriculture 65 (2), 145-154, 2009 | 355 | 2009 |
Silicon microstructuring technology W Lang Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 17 (1), 1-55, 1996 | 306 | 1996 |
Applying autonomous sensor systems in logistics—Combining sensor networks, RFIDs and software agents R Jedermann, C Behrens, D Westphal, W Lang Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 132 (1), 370-375, 2006 | 273 | 2006 |
Active control of combustion instability W Lang, T Poinsot, S Candel Combustion and Flame 70 (3), 281-289, 1987 | 272 | 1987 |
Thermal flow sensor for liquids and gases based on combinations of two principles M Ashauer, H Glosch, F Hedrich, N Hey, H Sandmaier, W Lang Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 73 (1-2), 7-13, 1999 | 255 | 1999 |
Micromachining applications of porous silicon P Steiner, W Lang Thin solid films 255 (1-2), 52-58, 1995 | 252 | 1995 |
Light‐emitting porous silicon diode with an increased electroluminescence quantum efficiency P Steiner, F Kozlowski, W Lang Applied physics letters 62 (21), 2700-2702, 1993 | 229 | 1993 |
Decoupled microgyros and the design principle DAVED W Geiger, WU Butt, A Gaisser, J Frech, M Braxmaier, T Link, A Kohne, ... Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 95 (2-3), 239-249, 2002 | 189 | 2002 |
Suppression of combustion instabilities by active control T Poinsot, S Candel, E Esposito, W Lang, F Bourienne Journal of Propulsion and Power 5, 14-20, 1989 | 185 | 1989 |
The “intelligent container”—a cognitive sensor network for transport management W Lang, R Jedermann, D Mrugala, A Jabbari, B Krieg-Brückner, K Schill IEEE Sensors Journal 11 (3), 688-698, 2010 | 177* | 2010 |
A thermoelectric converter for energy supply [using silicon micromechanics] H Glosch, M Ashauer, U Pfeiffer, W Lang Sens. Actuators A, Phys 20, 1-3, 1999 | 147* | 1999 |
Ethylene detection in fruit supply chains S Janssen, K Schmitt, M Blanke, ML Bauersfeld, J Wöllenstein, W Lang Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2014 | 143 | 2014 |
Absorbing layers for thermal infrared detectors W Lang, K Kühl, H Sandmaier Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 34 (3), 243-248, 1992 | 135 | 1992 |
A new silicon rate gyroscope W Geiger, B Folkmer, J Merz, H Sandmaier, W Lang Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 73 (1-2), 45-51, 1999 | 134 | 1999 |
A high-temperature thermopile fabrication process for thermal flow sensors R Buchner, C Sosna, M Maiwald, W Benecke, W Lang Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 130, 262-266, 2006 | 132 | 2006 |
PEDOT: PSS coating on gold microelectrodes with excellent stability and high charge injection capacity for chronic neural interfaces AS Pranti, A Schander, A Bödecker, W Lang Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 275, 382-393, 2018 | 121 | 2018 |
New designs of micromachined vibrating rate gyroscopes with decoupled oscillation modes W Geiger, B Folkmer, U Sobe, H Sandmaier, W Lang Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 66 (1-3), 118-124, 1998 | 121 | 1998 |
Semi-passive RFID and beyond: steps towards automated quality tracing in the food chain R Jedermann, W Lang International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and …, 2007 | 111 | 2007 |