Maren M. Michaelsen
Maren M. Michaelsen
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Motivation and reward mechanisms in health behavior change processes
MM Michaelsen, T Esch
Brain research 1757, 147309, 2021
Violence, psychological stress and educational performance during the “war on drugs” in Mexico
MM Michaelsen, P Salardi
Journal of Development Economics 143, 102387, 2020
Bio-psycho-socio-Spirito-cultural factors of burnout: a systematic narrative review of the literature
IW Listopad, MM Michaelsen, L Werdecker, T Esch
Frontiers in psychology 12, 722862, 2021
Understanding health behavior change by motivation and reward mechanisms: a review of the literature
MM Michaelsen, T Esch
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17, 1151918, 2023
Functional mechanisms of health behavior change techniques: a conceptual review
MM Michaelsen, T Esch
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 725644, 2022
Mental health and labour supply–evidence from México's ongoing violent conflicts
MM Michaelsen
Ruhr Economic Paper, 2012
Mindfulness-based and mindfulness-informed interventions at the workplace: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of RCTs
MM Michaelsen, J Graser, M Onescheit, MP Tuma, L Werdecker, D Pieper, ...
Mindfulness 14 (6), 1271-1304, 2023
The u-curve of happiness revisited: Correlations and differences in life satisfaction over the span of life—an empirical evaluation based on data from 1,597 individuals aged …
C Karwetzky, MM Michaelsen, L Werdecker, T Esch
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 837638, 2022
Money changes everything? Education and regional deprivation revisited
NTN Ferguson, MM Michaelsen
Economics of Education Review 48, 129-147, 2015
The hidden increase in wage inequality: Skill-biased and ability-biased technological change
MM Michaelsen
Ruhr Economic Paper, 2011
Migration Magnet: The role of work experience in rural-urban wage differentials in Mexico
MM Michaelsen, JP Haisken-DeNew
Ruhr Economic Paper, 2011
Migration magnet: the role of work experience in rural–urban wage differentials
MM Michaelsen, JP Haisken-DeNew
IZA Journal of Migration 4, 1-25, 2015
An empirical investigation of the relationship between spirituality, work culture, and burnout: the need for an extended health and disease model
IW Listopad, T Esch, MM Michaelsen
Frontiers in psychology 12, 723884, 2021
School’s out: The war on drugs and educational performance in Mexico
MM Michaelsen, P Salardi
Working paper, Department of Economics, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, 2013
Mindfulness in the Digital Workplace: an explorative study of the compatibility of mindfulness and technology
SJS Wrede, T Esch, MM Michaelsen
Bodily experience in depression: using focusing as a new interview technique
N Lyons, MM Michaelsen, J Graser, K Bundschuh-Müller, T Esch, ...
Psychopathology 54 (3), 150-158, 2021
Violence, psychological stress and educational performance in Mexico
M Michaelsen, P Salardi
Pacific Conference for Development Economics, San Diego, 2015
The Legacy of Conflict–Regional Deprivation and School Performance in Northern Ireland
N Ferguson, MM Michaelsen
Ruhr Economic Paper, 2013
Die neuronale Basis von Meditation und Achtsamkeit im Bildungskontext
MM Michaelsen, T Esch
Achtsamkeit in Bildungsprozessen: Professionalisierung und Praxis, 61-75, 2021
From Pax Narcotica to Guerra Pública: Explaining Civilian Violence in Mexico’s Illicit Drug Wars
NTN Ferguson, MM Michaelsen, TL McDougal
Economic Aspects of Genocides, Other Mass Atrocities, and Their Prevention …, 2016
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