Sudhir K. Sahoo
Sudhir K. Sahoo
Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, India
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Sustainable Oxidation Catalysis Supported by Light: Fe-Poly (heptazine imide) as a Heterogeneous Single-Atom Photocatalyst
MAR da Silva, IF Silva, Q Xue, BTW Lo, NV Tarakina, BN Nunes, P Adler, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 120965, 2021
Electrochemical N2 Reduction to Ammonia Using Single Au/Fe Atoms Supported on Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbon
SK Sahoo, J Heske, M Antonietti, Q Qin, M Oschatz, TD Kühne
ACS applied energy materials 3 (10), 10061-10069, 2020
Photocatalytic Water Splitting Reaction Catalyzed by Ion-Exchanged Salts of Potassium Poly (heptazine imide) 2D Materials
SK Sahoo, IF Teixeira, A Naik, J Heske, D Cruz, M Antonietti, A Savateev, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021
Controlling the strength of interaction between carbon dioxide and nitrogen-rich carbon materials by molecular design
R Walczak, A Savateev, J Heske, NV Tarakina, S Sahoo, JD Epping, ...
Sustainable Energy & Fuels 3 (10), 2819-2827, 2019
Interfacing the Core-Shell or the Drude Polarizable Force Field With Car–Parrinello Molecular Dynamics for QM/MM Simulations
SK Sahoo, NN Nair
Frontiers in chemistry 6, 275, 2018
When Water becomes an Integral Part of Carbon-Combining Theory and Experiment to Understand the Zeolite-like Water Adsorption Properties of porous C2N Materials
J Heske, R Walczak, JD Epping, S Youk, SK Sahoo, M Antonietti, T Kühne, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021
Phosphomolybdic acid dispersed in the micropores of sulfate treated Zr-pillared clay as efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of β-aminocarbonyl compounds in …
S Samantaray, SK Sahoo, BG Mishra
Journal of Porous Materials 18 (5), 573-580, 2011
A potential with low point charges for pure siliceous zeolites
SK Sahoo, NN Nair
Journal of computational chemistry 36 (20), 1562-1567, 2015
Correlating facet orientation, defect-level density and dipole layer formation at the surface of polycrystalline CuInSe2 thin films
A Elizabeth, H Conradi, SK Sahoo, T Kodalle, CA Kaufmann, TD Kühne, ...
Acta Materialia 200, 463-470, 2020
On the Possibility of Helium Adsorption in Nitrogen Doped Graphitic Materials
SK Sahoo, J Heske, S Azadi, Z Zhang, NV Tarakina, M Oschatz, ...
Scientific Reports 10, 5832, 2020
Effects of KF and RbF treatments on Cu (In, Ga) Se2-based solar cells: A combined photoelectron spectroscopy and DFT study
I Majumdar, SK Sahoo, V Parvan, H Mirhosseini, B Chacko, Y Wang, ...
Applied Surface Science 538, 148085, 2021
Theoretical Investigation of the Interaction of the CuInSe2 Absorber Material with Oxygen, Hydrogen, and Water
SK Sahoo, R Kormath Madam Raghupathy, TD Kühne, H Mirhosseini
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (37), 21202-21209, 2018
CPMD/GULP QM/MM interface for modeling periodic solids: Implementation and its application in the study of Y‐zeolite supported Rhn clusters
SK Sahoo, NN Nair
Journal of computational chemistry 37 (18), 1657-1667, 2016
Surface Passivation and Detrimental Heat-Induced Diffusion Effects in RbF-Treated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cell Absorbers
A Elizabeth, SK Sahoo, H Phirke, T Kodalle, TD Kühne, JN Audinot, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022
Oxidation/reduction cycles and their reversible effect on the dipole formation at CuInSe 2 surfaces
A Elizabeth, SK Sahoo, D Lockhorn, A Timmer, N Aghdassi, H Zacharias, ...
Physical Review Materials 4 (6), 063401, 2020
In silico investigation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2-based solar cells
TDK Hossein Mirhosseini, Ramya Kormath Madam Raghupathy, Sudhir K. Sahoo ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020
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Articles 1–16