Yvonne Anders
Yvonne Anders
Professor of Early Childhood Education, University of Bamberg
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Zitiert von
Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften: Ergebnisse des Forschungsprogramms COACTIV
M Kunter, J Baumert, W Blum
Waxmann Verlag, 2011
Early childhood matters
E Melhuish, P Sammons, I Siraj-Blatchford, B Taggart
Taylor & Francis, 2009
Home and preschool learning environments and their relations to the development of early numeracy skills
Y Anders, HG Rossbach, S Weinert, S Ebert, S Kuger, S Lehrl, ...
Early childhood research quarterly 27 (2), 231-244, 2012
How different mentoring approaches affect beginning teachers' development in the first years of practice
D Richter, M Kunter, O Lüdtke, U Klusmann, Y Anders, J Baumert
Teaching and teacher education 36, 166-177, 2013
Cognitive activation in the mathematics classroom and professional competence of teachers: Results from the COACTIV project
M Kunter, J Baumert, W Blum, U Klusmann, S Krauss, M Neubrand
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Stichwort: Auswirkungen frühkindlicher insitutioneller Betreuung und Bildung
Y Anders
na, 2013
Should teachers be colorblind? How multicultural and egalitarian beliefs differentially relate to aspects of teachers' professional competence for teaching in diverse classrooms
A Hachfeld, A Hahn, S Schroeder, Y Anders, M Kunter
Teaching and Teacher Education 48, 44-55, 2015
Assessing teachers’ multicultural and egalitarian beliefs: The teacher cultural beliefs scale
A Hachfeld, A Hahn, S Schroeder, Y Anders, P Stanat, M Kunter
Teaching and Teacher education 27 (6), 986-996, 2011
Preschool and primary school influences on the development of children's early numeracy skills between the ages of 3 and 7 years in Germany
Y Anders, C Grosse, HG Rossbach, S Ebert, S Weinert
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 24 (2), 195-211, 2013
Preschool teachers’ sensitivity to mathematics in children’s play: The influence of math-related school experiences, emotional attitudes, and pedagogical beliefs
Y Anders, HG Rossbach
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 29 (3), 305-322, 2015
Impact of process quality in early childhood education and care on academic outcomes: Longitudinal meta‐analysis
H Ulferts, KM Wolf, Y Anders
Child development 90 (5), 1474-1489, 2019
Diagnostische Fähigkeiten von Mathematiklehrkräften und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Leistungen ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler
Y Anders, M Kunter, M Brunner, S Krauss, J Baumert
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 57 (3), 175-193, 2010
Modelle professioneller Kompetenzen für frühpädagogische Fachkräfte. Aktueller Stand und ihr Bezug zur Professionalisierung
Y Anders
München: vbw–Vereinigung der Bayrischen Wirtschaft eV Zugriff am 8, 2014, 2012
Internal and external influences on vocabulary development in preschool children
S Ebert, K Lockl, S Weinert, Y Anders, K Kluczniok, HG Rossbach
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 24 (2), 138-154, 2013
Diagnostische fähigkeiten von mathematiklehrkräften
M Brunner, Y Anders, A Hachfeld, S Krauss
Final report from the primary phase: Pre-school, school and family influences on children's development during Key Stage 2 (7-11)
K Sylva, E Melhuish, P Sammons, I Siraj-Blatchford, B Taggart
Effective Pre-school and Primary Education 3-11 Project (EPPE 3-11): Influences on children’s attainment and progress in Key Stage 2: Cognitive outcomes in Year 6
P Sammons, K Sylva, E Melhuish, I Siraj-Blatchford, B Taggart, S Hunt
Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2008
The influence of preschool teachers’ content knowledge and mathematical ability beliefs on their sensitivity to mathematics in children’s play.
E Oppermann, Y Anders, A Hachfeld
Teaching and Teacher Education 58, 174-184, 2016
Early childhood education and care policy review
A Engel, WS Barnett, Y Anders, M Taguma
Norway: OECD, 2015
Lernen an der Universität
T Kleickmann, Y Anders
Professionelle Kompetenz von Lehrkräften: Ergebnisse des Forschungsprogramms …, 2011
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