Moniek Buijzen
Moniek Buijzen
Professor of Communication and Behavioral Change, Erasmus University Rotterdam
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Reconsidering advertising literacy as a defense against advertising effects
E Rozendaal, MA Lapierre, EA Van Reijmersdal, M Buijzen
Media psychology 14 (4), 333-354, 2011
Developing a typology of humor in audiovisual media
M Buijzen, PM Valkenburg
Media psychology 6 (2), 147-167, 2004
Parental mediation of undesired advertising effects
M Buijzen, PM Valkenburg
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 49 (2), 153-165, 2005
Introducing the PCMC model: An investigative framework for young people's processing of commercialized media content
M Buijzen, EA Van Reijmersdal, LH Owen
Communication Theory 20 (4), 427-450, 2010
The effects of television advertising on materialism, parent–child conflict, and unhappiness: A review of research
M Buijzen, PM Valkenburg
Journal of applied developmental psychology 24 (4), 437-456, 2003
Effects of prominence, involvement, and persuasion knowledge on children's cognitive and affective responses to advergames
EA Van Reijmersdal, E Rozendaal, M Buijzen
Journal of interactive marketing 26 (1), 33-42, 2012
The unintended effects of television advertising: A parent-child survey
M Buijzen, PM Valkenburg
Communication research 30 (5), 483-503, 2003
Identifying determinants of young children's brand awareness: Television, parents, and peers
PM Valkenburg, M Buijzen
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 26 (4), 456-468, 2005
Associations between children's television advertising exposure and their food consumption patterns: A household diary–survey study
M Buijzen, J Schuurman, E Bomhof
Appetite 50 (2-3), 231-239, 2008
Comparing children's and adults' cognitive advertising competences in the Netherlands
E Rozendaal, M Buijzen, P Valkenburg
Journal of Children and Media 4 (1), 77-89, 2010
Children’s understanding of advertisers’ persuasive tactics
E Rozendaal, M Buijzen, P Valkenburg
International Journal of Advertising 30 (2), 329-350, 2011
Food advertising and eating behavior in children
F Folkvord, DJ Anschütz, E Boyland, B Kelly, M Buijzen
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 9, 26-31, 2016
The effect of playing advergames that promote energy-dense snacks or fruit on actual food intake among children
F Folkvord, DJ Anschütz, M Buijzen, PM Valkenburg
The American journal of clinical nutrition 97 (2), 239-245, 2013
Reducing children's susceptibility to commercials: Mechanisms of factual and evaluative advertising interventions
M Buijzen
Media Psychology 9 (2), 411-430, 2007
The impact of television advertising on children's Christmas wishes
M Buijzen, PM Valkenburg
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 44 (3), 456-470, 2000
Children's responses to advertising in social games
E Rozendaal, N Slot, EA Van Reijmersdal, M Buijzen
Journal of advertising 42 (2-3), 142-154, 2013
The effectiveness of parental communication in modifying the relation between food advertising and children's consumption behaviour
M Buijzen
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 27 (1), 105-121, 2009
Is children's understanding of nontraditional advertising comparable to their understanding of television advertising?
L Owen, C Lewis, S Auty, M Buijzen
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 32 (2), 195-206, 2013
Development and validation of a survey instrument to measure children's advertising literacy
E Rozendaal, SJ Opree, M Buijzen
Media Psychology, 1-29, 2014
Children’s advertising exposure, advertised product desire, and materialism: A longitudinal study
SJ Opree, M Buijzen, EA van Reijmersdal, PM Valkenburg
Communication Research 41 (5), 717-735, 2014
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