Robert Lieck
Robert Lieck
Assistant Professor, Durham University
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Towards moral autonomous systems
V Charisi, L Dennis, M Fisher, R Lieck, A Matthias, M Slavkovik, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.04741, 2017
Radiological method for measuring patellofemoral tracking and tibiofemoral kinematics before and after total knee replacement
GB Sharma, SK Saevarsson, S Amiri, S Montgomery, H Ramm, DD Lichti, ...
Bone & Joint Research 1 (10), 263-271, 2012
Computed tomography analysis of knee pose and geometry before and after total knee arthroplasty
KCT Ho, SK Saevarsson, H Ramm, R Lieck, S Zachow, GB Sharma, ...
Journal of biomechanics 45 (13), 2215-2221, 2012
Active learning of hyperparameters: An expected cross entropy criterion for active model selection
J Kulick, R Lieck, M Toussaint
stat 1050, 26, 2014
Modelling Hierarchical Key Structure With Pitch Scapes
R Lieck, M Rohrmeier
Temporally extended features in model-based reinforcement learning with partial observability
R Lieck, M Toussaint
Neurocomputing 192, 49-60, 2016
The impact of voice leading and harmony on musical expectancy
L Wall, R Lieck, M Neuwirth, M Rohrmeier
Scientific reports 10 (1), 5933, 2020
The Tonal Diffusion Model.
R Lieck, FC Moss, M Rohrmeier
Trans. Int. Soc. Music. Inf. Retr. 3 (1), 153, 2020
Feature Discovery for Sequential Prediction of Monophonic Music.
J Langhabel, R Lieck, M Toussaint, M Rohrmeier
ISMIR, 649-656, 2017
Kinematic differences between gender specific and traditional knee implants
SK Saevarsson, GB Sharma, H Ramm, R Lieck, CR Hutchison, J Werle, ...
The Journal of arthroplasty 28 (9), 1543-1550, 2013
Discretisation and continuity: The emergence of symbols in communication
R Lieck, M Rohrmeier
Cognition 215, 104787, 2021
Towards moral autonomous systems. CoRR abs/1703.04741 (2017)
V Charisi, LA Dennis, M Fisher, R Lieck, A Matthias, M Slavkovik, ...
The advantage of cross entropy over entropy in iterative information gathering
J Kulick, R Lieck, M Toussaint
arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.7552, 2014
A model comparison for chord prediction on the Annotated Beethoven Corpus
K Landsnes, L Mehrabyan, V Wiklund, R Lieck, FC Moss, MA Rohrmeier
Proceedings of the 16th Sound & Music Computing Conference. Málaga, Spain, 2019
Recursive Bayesian Networks: Generalising and Unifying Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars and Dynamic Bayesian Networks
R Lieck, M Rohrmeier
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 4370-4383, 2021
Active Tree Search
R Lieck, M Toussaint
ICAPS Workshop on Planning, Search, and Optimization, 118, 2017
Learning structured models for active planning: beyond the Markov paradigm towards adaptable abstractions
R Lieck
Exploiting Variance Information in Monte-Carlo Tree Search
R Lieck, V Ngo, M Toussaint
HSDIP 2017, 26, 2017
Computational modeling of interval distributions in tonal space reveals paradigmatic stylistic changes in Western music history
FC Moss, R Lieck, M Rohrmeier
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 1-11, 2024
Cross-Entropy as a Criterion for Robust Interactive Learning of Latent Properties
J Kulick, R Lieck, M Toussaint
NIPS Workshop on the Future of Interactive Learning Machines, 26, 2016
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Articles 1–20