Anatol W. Fritsch
Anatol W. Fritsch
MPI-CBG and CSBD, Dresden, Germany
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Keratins significantly contribute to cell stiffness and impact invasive behavior
K Seltmann, AW Fritsch, JA Käs, TM Magin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (46), 18507-18512, 2013
Acetylation of intrinsically disordered regions regulates phase separation
M Saito, D Hess, J Eglinger, AW Fritsch, M Kreysing, BT Weinert, ...
Nature chemical biology 15 (1), 51-61, 2019
Are biomechanical changes necessary for tumour progression?
A Fritsch, M Höckel, T Kiessling, KD Nnetu, F Wetzel, M Zink, JA Käs
Nature Physics 6 (10), 730-732, 2010
Condensation of Ded1p promotes a translational switch from housekeeping to stress protein production
C Iserman, CD Altamirano, C Jegers, U Friedrich, T Zarin, AW Fritsch, ...
Cell 181 (4), 818-831. e19, 2020
Cell and nucleus shape as an indicator of tissue fluidity in carcinoma
S Grosser, J Lippoldt, L Oswald, M Merkel, DM Sussman, F Renner, ...
Physical Review X 11 (1), 011033, 2021
Non-invasive perturbations of intracellular flow reveal physical principles of cell organization
M Mittasch, P Gross, M Nestler, AW Fritsch, C Iserman, M Kar, M Munder, ...
Nature cell biology 20 (3), 344-351, 2018
The optical cell rotator
MK Kreysing, T Kießling, A Fritsch, C Dietrich, JR Guck, JA Käs
Optics Express 16 (21), 16984-16992, 2008
Testing the differential adhesion hypothesis across the epithelial− mesenchymal transition
S Pawlizak, AW Fritsch, S Grosser, D Ahrens, T Thalheim, S Riedel, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (8), 083049, 2015
Local thermodynamics govern formation and dissolution of Caenorhabditis elegans P granule condensates
AW Fritsch, AF Diaz-Delgadillo, O Adame-Arana, C Hoege, M Mittasch, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (37), e2102772118, 2021
Thermorheology of living cells—impact of temperature variations on cell mechanics
TR Kießling, R Stange, JA Käs, AW Fritsch
New Journal of Physics 15 (4), 045026, 2013
Rigid tumours contain soft cancer cells
T Fuhs, F Wetzel, AW Fritsch, X Li, R Stange, S Pawlizak, TR Kießling, ...
Nature Physics 18 (12), 1510-1519, 2022
Charge-density reduction promotes ribozyme activity in RNA–peptide coacervates via RNA fluidization and magnesium partitioning
JM Iglesias-Artola, B Drobot, M Kar, AW Fritsch, H Mutschler, ...
Nature chemistry 14 (4), 407-416, 2022
Regulated changes in material properties underlie centrosome disassembly during mitotic exit
M Mittasch, VM Tran, MU Rios, AW Fritsch, SJ Enos, B Ferreira Gomes, ...
Journal of Cell Biology 219 (4), 2020
A hydraulic instability drives the cell death decision in the nematode germline
NT Chartier, A Mukherjee, J Pfanzelter, S Fürthauer, BT Larson, ...
Nature Physics 17 (8), 920-925, 2021
Cell membrane softening in human breast and cervical cancer cells
C Händel, BUS Schmidt, J Schiller, U Dietrich, T Möhn, TR Kießling, ...
New Journal of Physics 17 (8), 083008, 2015
Evaluation of single‐cell biomechanics as potential marker for oral squamous cell carcinomas: a pilot study
J Runge, TE Reichert, A Fritsch, J Käs, J Bertolini, TW Remmerbach
Oral diseases 20 (3), e120-e127, 2014
Tuning liver stiffness against tumours: an in vitro study using entrapped cells in tumour-like microcapsules
A Leal-Egaña, A Fritsch, F Heidebrecht, A Díaz-Cuenca, M Nowicki, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 9, 113-121, 2012
Quantitative phase microscopy enables precise and efficient determination of biomolecular condensate composition
PM McCall, K Kim, AW Fritsch, JM Iglesias-Artola, LM Jawerth, J Wang, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.10. 25.352823, 2020
Thermal instability of cell nuclei
E Warmt, TR Kießling, R Stange, AW Fritsch, M Zink, JA Käs
New Journal of Physics 16 (7), 073009, 2014
Complex thermorheology of living cells
BUS Schmidt, TR Kießling, E Warmt, AW Fritsch, R Stange, JA Käs
New Journal of physics 17 (7), 073010, 2015
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