Ya Han
Ya Han
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TISCH: a comprehensive web resource enabling interactive single-cell transcriptome visualization of tumor microenvironment
D Sun, J Wang, Y Han, X Dong, J Ge, R Zheng, X Shi, B Wang, Z Li, ...
Nucleic acids research 49 (D1), D1420-D1430, 2021
TISCH2: expanded datasets and new tools for single-cell transcriptome analyses of the tumor microenvironment
Y Han, Y Wang, X Dong, D Sun, Z Liu, J Yue, H Wang, T Li, C Wang
Nucleic acids research 51 (D1), D1425-D1431, 2023
Integrative analyses of single-cell transcriptome and regulome using MAESTRO
C Wang, D Sun, X Huang, C Wan, Z Li, Y Han, Q Qin, J Fan, X Qiu, Y Xie, ...
Genome biology 21, 1-28, 2020
Tumor microenvironment remodeling after neoadjuvant immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing
J Hu, L Zhang, H Xia, Y Yan, X Zhu, F Sun, L Sun, S Li, D Li, J Wang, ...
Genome medicine 15 (1), 14, 2023
Identification of driver copy number alterations in diverse cancer types and application in drug repositioning
W Zhou, Z Zhao, R Wang, Y Han, C Wang, F Yang, Y Han, H Liang, L Qi, ...
Molecular oncology 11 (10), 1459-1474, 2017
Single‐cell dissection of cervical cancer reveals key subsets of the tumor immune microenvironment
G Cao, J Yue, Y Ruan, Y Han, Y Zhi, J Lu, M Liu, X Xu, J Wang, Q Gu, ...
The EMBO Journal 42 (16), e110757, 2023
Discovery of targets for immune–metabolic antitumor drugs identifies estrogen-related receptor alpha
A Sahu, X Wang, P Munson, JPG Klomp, X Wang, SS Gu, Y Han, G Qian, ...
Cancer discovery 13 (3), 672-701, 2023
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