Daniel Meyer-Delius
Daniel Meyer-Delius
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Occupancy grid models for robot mapping in changing environments
D Meyer-Delius, M Beinhofer, W Burgard
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 26 (1), 2024-2030, 2012
Lifelong localization in changing environments
GD Tipaldi, D Meyer-Delius, W Burgard
The International Journal of Robotics Research 32 (14), 1662-1678, 2013
Probabilistic situation recognition for vehicular traffic scenarios
D Meyer-Delius, C Plagemann, W Burgard
2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 459-464, 2009
Temporary maps for robust localization in semi-static environments
D Meyer-Delius, J Hess, G Grisetti, W Burgard
2010 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2010
Using artificial landmarks to reduce the ambiguity in the environment of a mobile robot
D Meyer-Delius, M Beinhofer, A Kleiner, W Burgard
2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 5173-5178, 2011
Armo: Adaptive road map optimization for large robot teams
A Kleiner, D Sun, D Meyer-Delius
2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011
Range-based people detection and tracking for socially enabled service robots
KO Arras, B Lau, S Grzonka, M Luber, OM Mozos, D Meyer-Delius, ...
Towards Service Robots for Everyday Environments: Recent Advances in …, 2012
A probabilistic relational model for characterizing situations in dynamic multi-agent systems
D Meyer-Delius, C Plagemann, G Von Wichert, W Feiten, G Lawitzky, ...
Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications: Proceedings of the 31st …, 2008
Robocuprescue-robot league team rescuerobots freiburg (germany)
A Kleiner, B Steder, C Dornhege, D Höfer, D Meyer-Delius, J Prediger, ...
Regression-based online situation recognition for vehicular traffic scenarios
D Meyer-Delius, J Sturm, W Burgard
2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2009
Lifelong localization and dynamic map estimation in changing environments
GD Tipaldi, D Meyer-Delius, M Beinhofer, W Burgard
RSS workshop on robots in clutter 80, 81, 2012
Maximum-likelihood sample-based maps for mobile robots
D Meyer-Delius, W Burgard
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 58 (2), 133-139, 2010
Vehicle combination and method for forming and operating a vehicle combination
C Bick, D Meyer-Delius, J Tardivon
US Patent 9,740,213, 2017
On-Line Calibration Testing During The Operation Of An Autonomous Vehicle
R Kümmerle, D Meyer-Delius, P Pfaff
US Patent App. 15/559,569, 2018
Probabilistic time-dependent models for mobile robot path planning in changing environments
S Loibl, D Meyer-Delius, P Pfaff
2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 5545-5550, 2013
Grid-based models for dynamic environments
D Meyer-Delius, M Beinhofer, W Burgard
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Freiburg, Tech. Rep, 2011
Simultaneous localization and dynamic state estimation in reconfigurable environments
GD Tipaldi, D Meyer-Delius, M Beinhofer, W Burgard
Proceedings the IEEE/RSJ IROS workshop on metrics and methodologies for …, 2011
Categorization of Indoor Places Using {RGB-D} Sensors
OM Mozos, H Mizutani, R Kurazume, T Hasegawa, OM Mozos, H Mizutani, ...
The 8th Joint Workshop on Machine Perception and Robotics (MPR2012) 18, 22-32, 2012
Augmenting working areas with action-relevant information for intuitive human-robot cooperation
B Kast, PS Schmitt, S Albrecht, D Meyer-Delius, J Zhang
Proceedings of the 12th International Convention on Rehabilitation …, 2018
Method for controlling a robot and/or an autonomous driverless transport system
D Joho, D Meyer-Delius
US Patent 10,809,739, 2020
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