Elias Steinhilper
Elias Steinhilper
Postdoc, Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung
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The myth of apolitical volunteering for refugees: German welcome culture and a new dispositif of helping
L Fleischmann, E Steinhilper
Social Inclusion 5 (3), 17-27, 2017
A contested crisis: policy narratives and empirical evidence on border deaths in the Mediterranean
E Steinhilper, RJ Gruijters
Sociology 52 (3), 515-533, 2018
Introduction: Solidarities in motion: Hybridity and change in migrant support practices
D Della Porta, E Steinhilper
Critical Sociology 47 (2), 175-185, 2021
Pro-migrant protest in times of COVID-19: intersectional boundary spanning and hybrid protest practices
S Zajak, K Stjepandić, E Steinhilper
European Societies 23 (sup1), S172-S183, 2021
Mobilizing in transnational contentious spaces: linking relations, emotions and space in migrant activism
E Steinhilper
Social Movement Studies 17 (5), 574-591, 2018
Countering the asylum paradox through strategic humanitarianism: Evidence from safe passage activism in Germany
H Schwiertz, E Steinhilper
Critical Sociology 47 (2), 203-217, 2021
Tokens or stakeholders in global migration governance? The role of affected communities and civil society in the global compacts on migration and refugees
S Rother, E Steinhilper
International Migration 57 (6), 243-257, 2019
Migrant protest: Interactive dynamics in precarious mobilizations
E Steinhilper
Amsterdam University Press, 2021
From “the rest” to “the west”? rights of indigenous peoples and the western bias in norm diffusion research
E Steinhilper
International Studies Review 17 (4), 536-555, 2015
Contentious migrant solidarity: Shrinking spaces and civil society contestation
D Della Porta, E Steinhilper
Routledge, 2021
Black Lives Matter in Europe: Transnational diffusion, local translation and resonance of anti-racist protest in Germany, Italy, Denmark and Poland
N Milman, F Ajayi, D Della Porta, N Doerr, P Kocyba, A Lavizzari, H Reiter, ...
DeZIM: Deutsche Zentrum für Integration und Migrationsforschung, 2021
Die Ambivalenzen eines neuen Dispositivs der Hilfe: Zur Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft und sozialen Bewegungen seit dem langen Sommer der Migration
E Steinhilper, L Fleischmann
Neue Praxis, 60-72, 2016
Border deaths in the Mediterranean: what we can learn from the latest data
E Steinhilper, R Gruijters
Border Criminologies 8, 2017
Shrinking spaces and civil society contestation: An introduction
D Della Porta, E Steinhilper
Contentious migrant solidarity, 1-18, 2021
Arenas of fragile alliance making. Space and interaction in precarious migrant protest in Berlin and Vienna
I Ataç, E Steinhilper
Social Movement Studies 21 (1-2), 152-168, 2022
Politisiert in der Migration, vernetzt in der Stadt: Transnationaler politischer Protest von Geflüchteten in Berlin
E Steinhilper
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen 30 (3), 77-87, 2017
Outsourcing European border control: Recent trends in departures, deaths and search and rescue activities in the central Mediterranean
M Villa, R Gruijters, E Steinhilper
Border Criminologies Blog, 2018
Forging plural coalitions in times of polarisation: Protest for an open society in Germany
K Stjepandić, E Steinhilper, S Zajak
German Politics 32 (3), 469-494, 2023
Contentious subjects: Spatial and relational perspectives on refugee mobilizations in Europe
E Steinhilper, I Ataç
Handbook on critical geographies of migration, 345-357, 2019
L’«été de l’accueil» en Allemagne: les deux versants du bénévolat en temps de «crise des réfugiés»
S Karakayali, E Steinhilper
La crise de l'accueil, 251-271, 2019
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