Matthew Mulholland
Cited by
Cited by
Automated text scoring and real‐time adjustable feedback: Supporting revision of scientific arguments involving uncertainty
HS Lee, A Pallant, S Pryputniewicz, T Lord, M Mulholland, OL Liu
Science Education 103 (3), 590-622, 2019
Predicting grammaticality on an ordinal scale
M Heilman, A Cahill, N Madnani, M Lopez, M Mulholland, J Tetreault
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2014
Validation of automated scoring for a formative assessment that employs scientific argumentation
L Mao, OL Liu, K Roohr, V Belur, M Mulholland, HS Lee, A Pallant
Educational Assessment 23 (2), 121-138, 2018
Reflective writing about the utility value of science as a tool for increasing STEM motivation and retention–can AI help scale up?
B Beigman Klebanov, J Burstein, JM Harackiewicz, SJ Priniski, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 27, 791-818, 2017
Suicidal tendencies: The automatic classification of suicidal and non-suicidal lyricists using nlp
M Mulholland, J Quinn
Proceedings of the sixth international joint conference on natural language …, 2013
Bidirectional LSTM-RNN for Improving Automated Assessment of Non-Native Children's Speech.
Y Qian, K Evanini, X Wang, CM Lee, M Mulholland
INTERSPEECH, 1417-1421, 2017
Neural approaches to automated speech scoring of monologue and dialogue responses
Y Qian, P Lange, K Evanini, R Pugh, R Ubale, M Mulholland, X Wang
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and …, 2019
Patterns of misspellings in L2 and L1 English: A view from the ETS Spelling Corpus
M Flor, Y Futagi, M Lopez, M Mulholland
Bergen language and linguistics studies 6, 2015
Utilizing depth sensors for analyzing multimodal presentations: Hardware, software and toolkits
CW Leong, L Chen, G Feng, CM Lee, M Mulholland
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM on International Conference on Multimodal …, 2015
A prompt-aware neural network approach to content-based scoring of non-native spontaneous speech
Y Qian, R Ubale, M Mulholland, K Evanini, X Wang
2018 IEEE spoken language technology workshop (SLT), 979-986, 2018
Off-Topic Spoken Response Detection Using Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks.
CM Lee, SY Yoon, X Wang, M Mulholland, I Choi, K Evanini
INTERSPEECH, 1427-1431, 2017
Modeling Discourse Coherence for the Automated Scoring of Spontaneous Spoken Responses.
X Wang, K Evanini, K Zechner, M Mulholland
SLaTE, 132-137, 2017
A comparison of ASR and human errors for transcription of non-native spontaneous speech
M Mulholland, M Lopez, K Evanini, A Loukina, Y Qian
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Automatic plagiarism detection for spoken responses in an assessment of english language proficiency
X Wang, K Evanini, J Bruno, M Mulholland
2016 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 121-128, 2016
Automated scoring of spontaneous speech from young learners of english using transformers
X Wang, K Evanini, Y Qian, M Mulholland
2021 IEEE spoken language technology workshop (SLT), 705-712, 2021
Word-embedding based content features for automated oral proficiency scoring
SY Yoon, A Loukina, C Lee, M Mulholland, X Wang, I Choi
Proceedings of the third workshop on semantic deep learning, 12-22, 2018
Off-Topic Spoken Response Detection with Word Embeddings.
SY Yoon, CM Lee, I Choi, X Wang, M Mulholland, K Evanini
INTERSPEECH, 2754-2758, 2017
Use of automated scoring features to generate hypotheses regarding language-based DIF
MD Shermis, L Mao, M Mulholland, V Kieftenbeld
International Journal of Testing 17 (4), 351-371, 2017
Using an automated content scoring system for spoken CALL responses: The ETS submission for the Spoken CALL Challenge
K Evanini, M Mulholland, E Tsuprun, Y Qian
Proceedings of the Seventh SLaTE Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 2017
Scoring interactional aspects of human-machine dialog for language learning and assessment using text features
V Ramanarayanan, M Mulholland, Y Qian
Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue …, 2019
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Articles 1–20