Cornelia Baeßler
Cornelia Baeßler
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Ecology
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A network of terrestrial environmental observatories in Germany
S Zacharias, H Bogena, L Samaniego, M Mauder, R Fuß, T Pütz, ...
Vadose zone journal 10 (3), 955-973, 2011
Effects of changes in agricultural land-use on landscape structure and arable weed vegetation over the last 50 years
C Baessler, S Klotz
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 115 (1-4), 43-50, 2006
Assessment of ecosystem integrity and service gradients across Europe using the LTER Europe network
S Stoll, M Frenzel, B Burkhard, M Adamescu, A Augustaitis, C Baeßler, ...
Ecological Modelling 295, 75-87, 2015
Long-term ecological research
F Müller, C Baessler, H Schubert, S Klotz
Springer, Berlin. doi 10, 978-90, 2010
TERENO-SOILCan: a lysimeter-network in Germany observing soil processes and plant diversity influenced by climate change
T Pütz, R Kiese, U Wollschläger, J Groh, H Rupp, S Zacharias, E Priesack, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-14, 2016
Using long-term ecosystem service and biodiversity data to study the impacts and adaptation options in response to climate change: insights from the global ILTER sites network
P Vihervaara, D D’Amato, M Forsius, P Angelstam, C Baessler, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (1), 53-66, 2013
The TERENO Pre‐Alpine Observatory: Integrating meteorological, hydrological, and biogeochemical measurements and modeling
R Kiese, B Fersch, C Baessler, C Brosy, K Butterbach-Bahl, C Chwala, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-17, 2018
Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across three different time horizons and decision contexts
H Weise, H Auge, C Baessler, I Bärlund, EM Bennett, U Berger, F Bohn, ...
Oikos 129 (4), 445-456, 2020
Atlas of ecosystem services: Drivers, risks, and societal responses
M Schröter, A Bonn, S Klotz, R Seppelt, C Baessler
Springer, 2019
Long-term ecosystem research between theory and application–an introduction
F Müller, C Baessler, M Frenzel, S Klotz, H Schubert
Long-Term Ecological Research: Between Theory and Application, 3-7, 2010
Temporal changes and spatial determinants of plant species diversity and genetic variation
C Baessler, S Klotz, W Durka
Long-term ecological research: Between theory and application, 279-297, 2010
Productivity and vegetation structure of three differently managed temperate grasslands
MJ Zeeman, H Shupe, C Baessler, NK Ruehr
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 270, 129-148, 2019
Ecosystem services: understanding drivers, opportunities, and risks to move towards sustainable land management and governance
M Schröter, A Bonn, S Klotz, R Seppelt, C Baessler
Atlas of Ecosystem Services: Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses, 401-403, 2019
Coupled modelling of hydrological processes and grassland production in two contrasting climates
N Jarvis, J Groh, E Lewan, KHE Meurer, W Durka, C Baessler, T Pütz, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (8), 2277-2299, 2022
Abiotic factors are more important than land management and biotic interactions in shaping vascular plant and soil fungal communities
EL Slabbert, TM Knight, T Wubet, A Kautzner, C Baessler, H Auge, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 33, e01960, 2022
The risk to ecosystems and ecosystem services: A framework for the atlas of ecosystem services
M Schröter, C Kuhlicke, J Förster, C Baessler, A Bonn
Atlas of Ecosystem Services: Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses, 3-6, 2019
Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem services across three different time horizons and decision contexts
H Weise, H Auge, C Baessler, I Baerlund, EM Bennett, U Berger, F Bohn, ...
bioRxiv, 549873, 2019
Introduction to part II: drivers and their risks for ecosystems, their functions, and services
C Baessler, S Klotz
Atlas of Ecosystem Services: Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses, 35-38, 2019
Coupled modelling of hydrological processes and grassland production in two contrasting climates
N Jarvis, K Meurer, E Lewan, E Rufullayev, W Durka, C Baessler, J Groh, ...
1st OZCAR TERENO, 131, 2021
Scale‐dependent impact of land management on above‐and belowground biodiversity
EL Slabbert, O Schweiger, T Wubet, A Kautzner, C Baessler, H Auge, ...
Ecology and Evolution 10 (18), 10139-10149, 2020
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