Charles F. Parker
Charles F. Parker
Professor of Political Science, Department of Government, Uppsala University
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Climate change and the European Union's leadership moment: an inconvenient truth?
CF Parker, C Karlsson
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 48 (4), 923-943, 2010
Assessing the European Union's global climate change leadership: from Copenhagen to the Paris Agreement
CF Parker, C Karlsson, M Hjerpe
Political Leadership in the European Union, 137-150, 2018
Looking for leaders: Perceptions of climate change leadership among climate change negotiation participants
C Karlsson, C Parker, M Hjerpe, BO Linnér
Global Environmental Politics 11 (1), 89-107, 2011
Institutional and political leadership dimensions of cascading ecological crises
V Galaz, F Moberg, EK Olsson, E Paglia, C Parker
Public Administration 89 (2), 361-380, 2011
Blindsided? September 11 and the origins of strategic surprise
CF Parker, EK Stern
Political Psychology 23 (3), 601-630, 2002
Managing crises collaboratively: Prospects and problems—A systematic literature review
D Nohrstedt, F Bynander, C Parker, P ‘t Hart
Perspectives on Public Management and Governance 1 (4), 257-271, 2018
The UN climate change negotiations and the role of the United States: assessing American leadership from Copenhagen to Paris
CF Parker, C Karlsson
Environmental Politics 27 (3), 519-540, 2018
Preventable catastrophe? The hurricane Katrina disaster revisited
CF Parker, EK Stern, E Paglia, C Brown
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis management 17 (4), 206-220, 2009
Climate change leaders and followers: Leadership recognition and selection in the UNFCCC negotiations
CF Parker, C Karlsson, M Hjerpe
International Relations 29 (4), 434-454, 2015
Collaborative crisis management: a plausibility probe of core assumptions
CF Parker, D Nohrstedt, J Baird, H Hermansson, O Rubin, E Baekkeskov
Policy and Society 39 (4), 510-529, 2020
Fragmented climate change leadership: making sense of the ambiguous outcome of COP-15
CF Parker, C Karlsson, M Hjerpe, BO Linnér
Environmental Politics 21 (2), 268-286, 2012
Exposure to natural hazard events unassociated with policy change for improved disaster risk reduction
D Nohrstedt, M Mazzoleni, CF Parker, G Di Baldassarre
Nature Communications 12 (1), 193, 2021
Understanding collaboration: Introducing the collaborative governance case databank
S Douglas, C Ansell, CF Parker, E Sørensen, P ‘T Hart, J Torfing
Policy and Society 39 (4), 495-509, 2020
Bolt from the blue or avoidable failure? Revisiting September 11 and the origins of strategic surprise
CF Parker, EK Stern
Foreign Policy Analysis 1 (3), 301-331, 2005
The legitimacy of leadership in international climate change negotiations
C Karlsson, M Hjerpe, C Parker, BO Linnér
Ambio 41, 46-55, 2012
An integrative research framework to unravel the interplay of natural hazards and vulnerabilities
G Di Baldassarre, D Nohrstedt, J Mård, S Burchardt, C Albin, ...
Earth's Future 6 (3), 305-310, 2018
The trump administration and the COVID‐19 crisis: exploring the warning‐response problems and missed opportunities of a public health emergency
CF Parker, EK Stern
Public administration 100 (3), 616-632, 2022
Social trust, impartial administration and public confidence in EU crisis management institutions
T Persson, CF Parker, S Widmalm
Public Administration 95 (1), 97-114, 2017
Leadership and international cooperation
C Parker, C Karlsson
September 11 and post crisis investigation: exploring the role and impact of the 9/11 commission
CF Parker, S Dekker
Governing After Crisis: The Politics of Investigation, Accountability and …, 2008
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