Jose Luis Jorda
Jose Luis Jorda
Instituto de Tecnología Química (UPV-CSIC)
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Cited by
High-throughput synthesis and catalytic properties of a molecular sieve with 18-and 10-member rings
A Corma, MJ Díaz-Cabañas, JL Jordá, C Martínez, M Moliner
Nature 443 (7113), 842-845, 2006
Metal–organic nanoporous structures with anisotropic photoluminescence and magnetic properties and their use as sensors
BV Harbuzaru, A Corma, F Rey, P Atienzar, JL Jordá, H García, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47 (6), 1080-1083, 2008
Synthesis and structure determination of the hierarchical meso-microporous zeolite ITQ-43
J Jiang, JL Jorda, J Yu, LA Baumes, E Mugnaioli, MJ Diaz-Cabanas, ...
Science 333 (6046), 1131-1134, 2011
A miniaturized linear pH sensor based on a highly photoluminescent self‐assembled europium (III) metal–organic framework
BV Harbuzaru, A Corma, F Rey, JL Jordá, D Ananias, LD Carlos, J Rocha
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 48 (35), 6476-6479, 2009
Control of zeolite framework flexibility and pore topology for separation of ethane and ethylene
PJ Bereciartua, Á Cantín, A Corma, JL Jordá, M Palomino, F Rey, ...
Science 358 (6366), 1068-1071, 2017
A zeolite with interconnected 8-, 10-and 12-ring pores and its unique catalytic selectivity
A Corma, F Rey, S Valencia, JL Jordá, J Rius
Nature materials 2 (7), 493-497, 2003
Methane hydrate formation in confined nanospace can surpass nature
ME Casco, J Silvestre-Albero, AJ Ramírez-Cuesta, F Rey, JL Jordá, ...
Nature communications 6, 6432, 2015
The Synthesis of an Extra‐Large‐Pore Zeolite with Double Three‐Ring Building Units and a Low Framework Density
J Jiang, JL Jorda, MJ Diaz‐Cabanas, J Yu, A Corma
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49 (29), 4986-4988, 2010
Strategies to improve the epoxidation activity and selectivity of Ti-MCM-41
A Corma, M Domine, JA Gaona, JL Jordá, MT Navarro, F Rey, ...
Chemical Communications, 2211-2212, 1998
Zeolite Rho: a highly selective adsorbent for CO2/CH4 separation induced by a structural phase modification
M Palomino, A Corma, JL Jordá, F Rey, S Valencia
Chemical Communications 48 (2), 215-217, 2012
Preferential Location of Ge Atoms in Polymorph C of Beta Zeolite (ITQ‐17) and Their Structure‐Directing Effect: A Computational, XRD, and NMR Spectroscopic Study
G Sastre, JA Vidal‐Moya, T Blasco, J Rius, JL Jordá, MT Navarro, F Rey, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 41 (24), 4722-4726, 2002
Modular organic structure-directing agents for the synthesis of zeolites
R Simancas, D Dari, N Velamazan, MT Navarro, A Cantin, JL Jorda, ...
Science 330 (6008), 1219-1222, 2010
A zeolitic structure (ITQ-34) with connected 9-and 10-ring channels obtained with phosphonium cations as structure directing agents
A Corma, MJ Diaz-Cabanas, JL Jorda, F Rey, G Sastre, KG Strohmaier
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (49), 16482-16483, 2008
Paving the way for methane hydrate formation on metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)
ME Casco, F Rey, JL Jordá, S Rudić, F Fauth, M Martinez-Escandell, ...
Chemical science 7 (6), 3658-3666, 2016
Cation Gating and Relocation during the Highly Selective “Trapdoor” Adsorption of CO2 on Univalent Cation Forms of Zeolite Rho
MM Lozinska, JPS Mowat, PA Wright, SP Thompson, JL Jorda, ...
Chemistry of Materials 26 (6), 2052-2061, 2014
MCM-41–Quaternary organic tetraalkylammonium hydroxide composites as strong and stable Brønsted base catalysts
I Rodriguez, S Iborra, A Corma, F Rey, JL Jordá
Chemical Communications, 593-594, 1999
Rational design and HT techniques allow the synthesis of new IWR zeolite polymorphs
A Cantín, A Corma, MJ Diaz-Cabanas, JL Jordá, M Moliner
Journal of the American Chemical Society 128 (13), 4216-4217, 2006
Synthesis and structure of polymorph B of zeolite beta
A Corma, M Moliner, Á Cantín, MJ Díaz-Cabañas, JL Jordá, D Zhang, ...
Chemistry of Materials 20 (9), 3218-3223, 2008
Synthesis and characterization of the all-silica pure polymorph C, and the enriched polymorph B intergrowth material of Beta zeolite
A Cantin Sanz, A Corma Canós, M Díaz Cabañas, JL Jorda Moret, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 45 (47), 8013-8015, 2006
Ti/ITQ-2, a new material highly active and selective for the epoxidation of olefins with organic hydroperoxides
A Corma, U Díaz, V Fornés, JL Jordá, M Domine, F Rey
Chemical Communications, 779-780, 1999
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Articles 1–20