Ryan Wilson
Ryan Wilson
Professor of Accounting, University of Iowa
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An examination of corporate tax shelter participants
RJ Wilson
The accounting review 84 (3), 969-999, 2009
Equity risk incentives and corporate tax aggressiveness
SO Rego, R Wilson
Journal of Accounting Research 50 (3), 775-810, 2012
A new measure of accounting quality
P Hribar, T Kravet, R Wilson
Review of accounting Studies 19, 506-538, 2014
Tax avoidance, large positive temporary book-tax differences, and earnings persistence
B Blaylock, T Shevlin, RJ Wilson
The Accounting Review 87 (1), 91-120, 2012
Dual class ownership and tax avoidance
ST McGuire, D Wang, RJ Wilson
The Accounting Review 89 (4), 1487-1516, 2014
An examination of reputational costs and tax avoidance: Evidence from firms with valuable consumer brands
CR Austin, RJ Wilson
The Journal of the American Taxation Association 39 (1), 67-93, 2017
Economic consequences of increasing the conformity in accounting for uncertain tax benefits
PJ Frischmann, T Shevlin, R Wilson
Journal of Accounting and Economics 46 (2-3), 261-278, 2008
Conforming tax avoidance and capital market pressure
BA Badertscher, SP Katz, SO Rego, RJ Wilson
The Accounting Review 94 (6), 1-30, 2019
Trapped cash and the profitability of foreign acquisitions
A Edwards, T Kravet, R Wilson
Contemporary Accounting Research 33 (1), 44-77, 2016
Perspectives on corporate tax planning: Observations from the past decade
JH Wilde, RJ Wilson
The Journal of the American Taxation Association 40 (2), 63-81, 2018
The impact of increased disclosure requirements and the standardization of accounting practices on earnings management through the reserve for income taxes
R Cazier, S Rego, X Tian, R Wilson
Review of Accounting Studies 20, 436-469, 2015
Tax uncertainty and incremental tax avoidance
DA Guenther, RJ Wilson, K Wu
The Accounting Review 94 (2), 229-247, 2019
Domestic income shifting by Chinese listed firms
T Shevlin, TYH Tang, RJ Wilson
Journal of the American Taxation Association 34 (1), 1-29, 2012
The effect of tax-motivated income shifting on information asymmetry
CW Chen, BF Hepfer, PJ Quinn, RJ Wilson
Review of Accounting Studies 23, 958-1004, 2018
Examining investor expectations concerning tax savings on the repatriations of foreign earnings under the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004
M Oler, T Shevlin, R Wilson
Journal of the American Taxation Association 29 (2), 25-55, 2007
How quickly do firms adjust to optimal levels of tax avoidance?
J Kim, ST McGuire, S Savoy, R Wilson, J Caskey
Contemporary Accounting Research 36 (3), 1824-1860, 2019
Early evidence on the determinants of unrecognized tax benefits
RA Cazier, SO Rego, XS Tian, RJ Wilson
Ryan J., Early Evidence on the Determinants of Unrecognized Tax Benefits …, 2009
Investors׳ reaction to the use of poison pills as a tax loss preservation tool
SA Sikes, XS Tian, R Wilson
Journal of Accounting and Economics 57 (2-3), 132-148, 2014
Beyond borders: Uncertainty in supragovernmental tax enforcement and corporate investment
ZD Fox, M Jacob, JH Wilde, RJ Wilson
The Accounting Review 97 (6), 233-261, 2022
Political costs and corporate tax avoidance: Evidence from sin firms
C Wang, RJ Wilson, S Zhang, H Zou
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 41 (1), 106861, 2022
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