Zehao Xiao
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Zitiert von
Crowd counting and density estimation by trellis encoder-decoder networks
X Jiang*, Z Xiao*, B Zhang, X Zhen, X Cao, D Doermann, L Shao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Relational attention network for crowd counting
A Zhang, J Shen, Z Xiao, F Zhu, X Zhen, X Cao, L Shao
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2019
In defense of single-column networks for crowd counting
Z Wang*, Z Xiao*, K Xie, Q Qiu, X Zhen, X Cao
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.06133, 2018
A bit more bayesian: Domain-invariant learning with uncertainty
Z Xiao, J Shen, X Zhen, L Shao, C Snoek
International conference on machine learning, 11351-11361, 2021
Attentional information fusion networks for cross-scene power line detection
Y Li, Z Xiao, X Zhen, X Cao
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16 (10), 1635-1639, 2019
Learning to generalize across domains on single test samples
Z Xiao, X Zhen, L Shao, CGM Snoek
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022
Spherical zero-shot learning
J Shen, Z Xiao, X Zhen, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 32 (2), 634-645, 2021
Energy-Based Test Sample Adaptation for Domain Generalization
Z Xiao, X Zhen, S Liao, CGM Snoek
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
Heterogenous output regression network for direct face alignment
X Zhen, M Yu, Z Xiao, L Zhang, L Shao
Pattern Recognition 105, 107311, 2020
ProtoDiff: learning to learn prototypical networks by task-guided diffusion
Y Du, Z Xiao, S Liao, C Snoek
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 46304-46322, 2023
Any-Shift Prompting for Generalization over Distributions
Z Xiao, J Shen, MM Derakhshani, S Liao, CGM Snoek
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
Association graph learning for multi-task classification with category shifts
J Shen, Z Xiao, X Zhen, C Snoek, M Worring
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 4503-4516, 2022
Probabilistic Test-Time Generalization by Variational Neighbor-Labeling
S Ambekar*, Z Xiao*, J Shen, X Zhen, CGM Snoek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.04033, 2023
Memory-augmented variational adaptation for online few-shot segmentation
J Liu, Y Du, Z Xiao, CGM Snoek, JJ Sonke, E Gavves
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2023
Variational invariant learning for Bayesian domain generalization
Z Xiao, J Shen, X Zhen, L Shao, CGM Snoek
ASiam: adaptive Siamese regression tracking with adversarial template generation and motion‐based failure recovery
X Jiang, Z Xiao, B Zhang, X Cao
IET Image Processing 13 (14), 2694-2705, 2019
Beyond Model Adaptation at Test Time: A Survey
Z Xiao, CGM Snoek
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.03687, 2024
Variational Pseudo Labels for Meta Test-time Adaptation
S Ambekar, Z Xiao, J Shen, X Zhen, CGM Snoek
Multi-Modal Adapter for Vision-Language Models
D Seputis, S Mihailov, S Chatterjee, Z Xiao
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.02958, 2024
GO4Align: Group Optimization for Multi-Task Alignment
J Shen, C Wang, Z Xiao, N Van Noord, M Worring
arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.06486, 2024
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