An agenda for open science in communication T Dienlin, N Johannes, ND Bowman, PK Masur, S Engesser, AS Kümpel, ... Journal of Communication 71 (1), 1-26, 2021 | 238 | 2021 |
The effects of credibility cues on the selection of search engine results J Unkel, A Haas Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68 (8 …, 2017 | 82 | 2017 |
Ranking versus reputation: perception and effects of search result credibility A Haas, J Unkel Behaviour & Information Technology 36 (12), 1285-1298, 2017 | 79 | 2017 |
Googling politics: Parties, sources, and issue ownerships on Google in the 2017 German federal election campaign J Unkel, M Haim Social Science Computer Review 39 (5), 844-861, 2021 | 57 | 2021 |
Entertainment motivations and gaming-specific gratifications as antecedents of digital game enjoyment and appreciation. D Possler, AS Kümpel, J Unkel Psychology of Popular Media 9 (4), 541, 2020 | 42 | 2020 |
Negativity wins at last AS Kümpel, J Unkel Journal of Media Psychology, 2019 | 29 | 2019 |
The effects of digital games on hedonic, eudaimonic and telic entertainment experiences AS Kümpel, J Unkel Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds 9 (1), 21-37, 2017 | 26 | 2017 |
Informationsselektion mit Suchmaschinen J Unkel Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
Glaubwürdigkeit und Selektion von Suchergebnissen. Der Einfluss von Platzierung, Reputation, Neutralität und sozialen Empfehlungen bei der Nutzung von Suchmaschinen A Haas, J Unkel M&K Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft 63 (3), 363-382, 2015 | 17 | 2015 |
(A) synchronous Communication about TV Series on Social Media: A Multi-Method Investigation of Reddit Discussions J Unkel, AS Kümpel Media and Communication 8 (3), 180-190, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |
What Does" Being Informed" Mean? Assessing Social Media Users' Self-Concepts of Informedness AS Kümpel, L Anter, J Unkel Media and Communication 10 (3), 93-103, 2022 | 10 | 2022 |
Differential perceptions of and reactions to incivil and intolerant user comments AS Kümpel, J Unkel Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 28 (4), zmad018, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Patterns of Incivility on US Congress Members' Social Media Accounts: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Influence of Platform, Post, and Person Characteristics J Unkel, AS Kümpel Frontiers in Political Science 4, 809805, 2022 | 8 | 2022 |
Measuring selective exposure in mock website experiments: A simple, free, and open-source solution J Unkel Communication Methods and Measures 15 (1), 1-16, 2021 | 8 | 2021 |
Verarbeitung politischer Informationen AS Kümpel, J Unkel Handbuch Politische Kommunikation, 1-18, 2022 | 7 | 2022 |
Forschungssoftware in der Kommunikations-und Medienwissenschaft: Stand, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven A Hepp, F Hohmann, A Belli, K Boczek, M Haim, A Heft, J Jünger, ... | 6 | 2021 |
Awe-inspirational gaming: Exploring the formation and entertaining effects of awe in video games D Possler, J Scheper, J Kreissl, AA Raney, AS Kuempel, J Unkel 69th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association …, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Processing the News: How People Tame the Information Tide: von Doris A. Graber (1984) HB Brosius, J Unkel Schlüsselwerke der Medienwirkungsforschung, 219-230, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
(Why) does comment presentation order matter for the effects of user comments? Assessing the role of the availability heuristic and the bandwagon heuristic AS Kümpel, J Unkel Communication Research Reports 38 (4), 217-228, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Vielfalt bei Google? vielzahl, ausgewogenheit und verschiedenheit wahlbezogener suchergebnisse P Schwabl, J Unkel, M Haim Die (Massen-) Medien im Wahlkampf: Die Bundestagswahl 2021, 293-316, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |