Kendra Karr
Kendra Karr
Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund, University of California at Santa Cruz
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Long-term studies contribute disproportionately to ecology and policy
BB Hughes, R Beas-Luna, AK Barner, K Brewitt, DR Brumbaugh, ...
BioScience 67 (3), 271-281, 2017
Assessing and managing data‐limited ornamental fisheries in coral reefs
R Fujita, DJ Thornhill, K Karr, CH Cooper, LE Dee
Fish and Fisheries 15 (4), 661-675, 2014
Thresholds in Caribbean coral reefs: implications for ecosystem-based fishery management
KA Karr, R Fujita, BS Halpern, CV Kappel, L Crowder, KA Selkoe, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology, 402-412, 2015
Integrating science-based co-management, partnerships, participatory processes and stewardship incentives to improve the performance of small-scale fisheries
KA Karr, R Fujita, R Carcamo, L Epstein, JR Foley, JA Fraire-Cervantes, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 345, 2017
Combining fish and benthic communities into multiple regimes reveals complex reef dynamics
MK Donovan, AM Friedlander, J Lecky, JB Jouffray, GJ Williams, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16943, 2018
An indicator-based adaptive management framework and its development for data-limited fisheries in Belize
G McDonald, B Harford, A Arrivillaga, EA Babcock, R Carcamo, J Foley, ...
Marine Policy 76, 28-37, 2017
Vulnerability of nearshore tropical finfish in Cuba: implications for scientific and management planning
R Puga, S Valle, JP Kritzer, G Delgado, ME de León, E Giménez, I Ramos, ...
Bulletin of Marine Science 94 (2), 377-392, 2018
Assessing vulnerability of fish in the US marine aquarium trade
LE Dee, KA Karr, CJ Landesberg, DJ Thornhill
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 527, 2019
An adaptive assessment and management toolkit for data-limited fisheries
G McDonald, SJ Campbell, K Karr, M Clemence, P Granados-Dieseldorff, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 152, 100-119, 2018
Comprehensive Assessment of Risk to Ecosystems (CARE): A cumulative ecosystem risk assessment tool
W Battista, K Karr, N Sarto, R Fujita
Fisheries Research 185, 115-129, 2017
Scaling territorial use rights in fisheries (TURFs) in Belize
R Fujita, L Epstein, W Battista, K Karr, P Higgins, J Landman, R Carcamo
Bulletin of Marine Science 93 (1), 137-153, 2017
Identifying policy approaches to build social–ecological resilience in marine fisheries with differing capacities and contexts
KM Kleisner, E Ojea, W Battista, M Burden, E Cunningham, R Fujita, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (2), 552-572, 2022
Science-based management of data-limited fisheries: a supplement to the catch share design manual
AM Apel, R Fujita, K Karr
Environmental Defense Fund, New York, 2013
A framework for developing scientific management guidance for data-limited fisheries
R Fujita, K Karr, W Battista, DN Rader
Proc Gulf Caribb Fish Inst 66, 83-90, 2013
Identifying pathways for climate-resilient multispecies fisheries
KA Karr, V Miller, E Coronado, NC Olivares-Bañuelos, M Rosales, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 721883, 2021
Drivers of conflict and resilience in shifting transboundary fisheries
JM Vogel, C Longo, J Spijkers, J Palacios-Abrantes, J Mason, ...
Marine Policy 155, 105740, 2023
Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fishery systems
JG Eurich, WR Friedman, KM Kleisner, LZ Zhao, CM Free, M Fletcher, ...
Fish and Fisheries 25 (1), 38-59, 2024
Un enfoque multiinstitutional para modelar el beneficio bioeconómico de perspectivas de manejo pesquero en Cuba.
R Alzugaray, R Puga, S Valle, O Morales, A Grovas, L López, K Kleisner, ...
Guide to the use of Froese sustainability indicators to assess and manage data-limited fish stocks. Oceans Program, Environmental Defense Fund
R Fujita, K Karr, A Apel, I Mateo
Research and Development Team, 2012
A participatory climate vulnerability assessment for recreational tidal flats fisheries in Belize and The Bahamas
G Carroll, JG Eurich, KD Sherman, R Glazer, MT Braynen, KA Callwood, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1177715, 2023
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