Sebastian Kaiser
Sebastian Kaiser
Department of Statistics, LMU Munich
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Zitiert von
Guidelines for choosing between multi-item and single-item scales for construct measurement: a predictive validity perspective
A Diamantopoulos, M Sarstedt, C Fuchs, P Wilczynski, S Kaiser
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 40, 434-449, 2012
Biclustering: Overcoming data dimensionality problems in market segmentation
S Dolnicar, S Kaiser, K Lazarevski, F Leisch
Journal of Travel Research 51 (1), 41-49, 2012
Robust biclustering by sparse singular value decomposition incorporating stability selection
M Sill, S Kaiser, A Benner, A Kopp-Schneider
Bioinformatics 27 (15), 2089-2097, 2011
Hydrodynamics of a dual fluidized bed gasifier. Part II: simulation of solid circulation rate, pressure loop and stability
S Kaiser, G Löffler, K Bosch, H Hofbauer
Chemical engineering science 58 (18), 4215-4223, 2003
A toolbox for bicluster analysis in R
S Kaiser, F Leisch
Can Australian universities take measures to increase the lecture attendance of marketing students?
S Dolnicar, S Kaiser, K Matus, W Vialle
Journal of Marketing Education 31 (3), 203-211, 2009
Profound effect of profiling platform and normalization strategy on detection of differentially expressed microRNAs–a comparative study
SU Meyer, S Kaiser, C Wagner, C Thirion, MW Pfaffl
PloS one 7 (6), e38946, 2012
biclust: Bicluster algorithms
S Kaiser, R Santamaria, R Theron, L Quintales, F Leisch
R package version 0.7 2, 2009
TNF-α and IGF1 modify the microRNA signature in skeletal muscle cell differentiation
SU Meyer, C Thirion, A Polesskaya, S Bauersachs, S Kaiser, S Krause, ...
Cell Communication and Signaling 13, 1-14, 2015
Biclustering: methods, software and application
S Kaiser
lmu, 2011
Having the Second Leg at Home-Advantage in the UEFA Champions League Knockout Phase?
MJA Eugster, J Gertheiss, S Kaiser
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 7 (1), 2011
Integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA data reveals an orchestrated function of microRNAs in skeletal myocyte differentiation in response to TNF-α or IGF1
SU Meyer, S Sass, NS Mueller, S Krebs, S Bauersachs, S Kaiser, H Blum, ...
PloS one 10 (8), e0135284, 2015
Remaining time prediction for processes with inter-case dynamics
M Pourbafrani, S Kar, S Kaiser, WMP van der Aalst
International Conference on Process Mining, 140-153, 2021
Generating correlated ordinal random values
S Kaiser, D Träger, F Leisch
Process-parallel center deviation measurement of a BTA deep-hole drilling tool
B Denkena, B Bergmann, S Kaiser, M Mücke, D Bolle
Procedia Manufacturing 24, 229-234, 2018
Package ‘biclust’
S Kaiser, R Santamaria, T Khamiakova, M Sill, R Theron, L Quintales, ...
The Comprehensive R Archive Network, 2015
biclust-A Toolbox for Bicluster Analysis in R
S Kaiser, F Leisch
Proceedings of Computational Statistics, 2008
Close-to-process compensation of geometric deviations on implants based on optical measurement data
B Denkena, B Bergmann, S Kaiser
Procedia CIRP 112, 122-127, 2022
Gaussian Graphical Models with Feedback Loops
S Kaiser
Bimax Algorithm
A Kasim, Z Shkedy, S Kaiser, S Hochreiter, W Talloen
Applied Biclustering Methods for Big and High-Dimensional Data Using R, 87-98, 2016
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