Wenda Zhao
Wenda Zhao
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Learning-based bias correction for time difference of arrival ultra-wideband localization of resource-constrained mobile robots
W Zhao, J Panerati, AP Schoellig
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 3639-3646, 2021
Finding the right place: Sensor placement for UWB time difference of arrival localization in cluttered indoor environments
W Zhao, A Goudar, AP Schoellig
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (3), 6075-6082, 2022
Tag-based visual-inertial localization of unmanned aerial vehicles in indoor construction environments using an on-manifold extended Kalman filter
N Kayhani, W Zhao, B McCabe, AP Schoellig
Automation in Construction 135, 104112, 2022
Improved tag-based indoor localization of UAVs using extended Kalman filter
N Kayhani, A Heins, W Zhao, M Nahangi, B McCabe, AP Schoelligb
Proceedings of the ISARC. International Symposium on Automation and Robotics …, 2019
UTIL: An ultra-wideband time-difference-of-arrival indoor localization dataset
W Zhao, A Goudar, X Qiao, AP Schoellig
The International Journal of Robotics Research, 02783649241230640, 2022
Learning-based bias correction for ultra-wideband localization of resource-constrained mobile robots
W Zhao, A Goudar, J Panerati, AP Schoellig
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.09371, 2020
Bridging the model-reality gap with lipschitz network adaptation
S Zhou, K Pereida, W Zhao, AP Schoellig
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (1), 642-649, 2021
Optimal Geometry for Ultra-wideband Localization using Bayesian Optimization
W Zhao, M Vukosavljev, AP Schoellig
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 15481-15488, 2020
Gaussian variational inference with covariance constraints applied to range-only localization
A Goudar, W Zhao, TD Barfoot, AP Schoellig
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
Range-visual-inertial sensor fusion for micro aerial vehicle localization and navigation
A Goudar, W Zhao, AP Schoellig
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 9 (1), 683-690, 2023
Uncertainty-aware gaussian mixture model for UWB time difference of arrival localization in cluttered environments
W Zhao, A Goudar, M Tang, X Qiao, AP Schoellig
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2023
A Remote Sim2real Aerial Competition: Fostering Reproducibility and Solutions' Diversity in Robotics Challenges
S Teetaert, W Zhao, N Xinyuan, H Zahir, H Leong, M Hidalgo, G Puga, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16743, 2023
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