Bernhard Preim
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Analysis of vasculature for liver surgical planning
D Selle, B Preim, A Schenk, HO Peitgen
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 21 (11), 1344-1357, 2002
Visualization in medicine: theory, algorithms, and applications
B Preim, D Bartz
Morgan Kaufmann, 2007
Visual Computing for Medicine: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications
B Preim, CP Botha
Morgan Kaufmann, 2013
Survey of glyph-based visualization techniques for spatial multivariate medical data
T Ropinski, S Oeltze, B Preim
Computers & Graphics 35 (2), 392-401, 2011
How to render frames and influence people
T Strothotte, B Preim, A Raab, J Schumann, DR Forsey
Computer Graphics Forum 13 (3), 455-466, 1994
Visualization and interaction techniques for the exploration of vascular structures
HK Hahn, B Preim, D Selle, HO Peitgen
IEEE Visualization, 2001. VIS'01. Proceedings, 395-402, 2001
Interaktive Systeme: Band 2: User Interface Engineering, 3D-Interaktion, Natural User Interfaces
B Preim, R Dachselt
Springer-Verlag, 2015
Entwicklung interaktiver Systeme
B Preim
Entwicklung interaktiver Systeme, 1999
Interaktive Systeme: Band 1: Grundlagen, Graphical User Interfaces, Informationsvisualisierung
B Preim, R Dachselt
Springer-Verlag, 2010
A Cytoarchitecture-driven Myelin Model reveals Area-specific Signatures in Human Primary and Secondary Areas using Ultra-High Resolution In-vivo Brain MRI
J Dinse, N Härtwich, MD Wähnelt, CL Tardiff, A Schäfer, S Geyer, B Preim, ...
Neuroimage 21, 2015
Combining Silhouettes, Surface, and Volume Rendering for Surgery Education and Planning.
C Tietjen, T Isenberg, B Preim
EuroVis, 303-310, 2005
HepaVision2—a software assistant for preoperative planning in living-related liver transplantation and oncologic liver surgery
H Bourquain, A Schenk, F Link, B Preim, G Prause, HO Peitgen
CARS 2002 Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery: Proceedings of the 16 th …, 2002
Visualization of vasculature with convolution surfaces: method, validation and evaluation
S Oeltze, B Preim
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 24 (4), 540-548, 2005
A survey of medical image registration on graphics hardware
O Fluck, C Vetter, W Wein, A Kamen, B Preim, R Westermann
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 104 (3), e45-e57, 2011
Real-time illustration of vascular structures
F Ritter, C Hansen, V Dicken, O Konrad, B Preim, HO Peitgen
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 12 (5), 877-884, 2006
A survey of virtual human anatomy education systems
B Preim, P Saalfeld
Computers & Graphics 71, 132-153, 2018
Comparison of Fundamental Mesh Smoothing Algorithms for Medical Surface Models.
R Bade, J Haase, B Preim
SimVis 6, 289-304, 2006
The FLOWLENS: A focus-and-context visualization approach for exploration of blood flow in cerebral aneurysms
R Gasteiger, M Neugebauer, O Beuing, B Preim
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17 (12), 2183-2192, 2011
3D visualization of vasculature: an overview
B Preim, S Oeltze
Visualization in medicine and life sciences, 19-39, 2008
Semi-Automatic Vortex Extraction in 4D PC-MRI Cardiac Blood Flow Data using Line Predicates
B Köhler, R Gasteiger, U Preim, H Theisel, M Gutberlet, B Preim
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics 19 (12), 2773-2782, 2013
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