Fabian Ritter
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Simulation-based Decision Making in Early Design Stages
F Ritter, P Geyer, A Borrmann
Proceedings of the CIB W78 2015, 2015
Extracting information from building information models for energy code compliance of building envelope
S Sinha, A Sawhney, A Borrmann, F Ritter
Proc. of the RICS COBRA Conference 2013, 2013
Building information models as input for building energy performance simulation–the current state of industrial implementations
V Nasyrov, S Stratbücker, F Ritter, A Borrmann, S Hua, M Lindauer
Building information models as input for building energy performance …, 2014
Controlled ventilation of historic buildings: Assessment of impact on the indoor environment via hygrothermal building simulation
F Antretter, S Kosmann, R Kilian, A Holm, F Ritter, B Wehle
Hygrothermal Behavior, Building Pathology and Durability, 93-111, 2013
Visuelle Programmiersprachen im Bauwesen-Stand der Technik und aktuelle Entwicklungen
F Ritter, C Preidel, D Singer
Proceedings of the 27th Forum Bauinformatik, 2015
The design space exploration assistance method: constraints and objectives
F Ritter, P Geyer, A Borrmann
Proc. of the 13th Conference on Construction and Virtual Reality (CONVR), 2013
Untersuchung der Möglichkeiten und Vorteile des modellgestützten kooperativen Planens anhand von Autodesk Produkten
F Ritter
Lehstuhl Computergestützte Modellierung und Simulation, TU München, 2011
Visuelle Programmiersprachen im Bauwesen
F Ritter, C Preidel, D Singer, S Kaufmann
27. Forum Bauinformatik, Aachen, 2015
Serious Play: Intuitive Architectural Conceptual De-Sign With Immediate Structural Feedback and Eco-Nomical and Ecological Performance Predictions
M Breit, L Huang, F Lang, F Ritter, A Borrmann
Proc. 12th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual …, 2012
Design Decision Support–Real-time Energy Simulation in the Early Design Stages
F Ritter, G Schubert, P Geyer, A Borrmann, F Petzold
Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (2014), 2023-2031, 2014
An early design tool for sustainable steel and steel composite structures under the use of a Genetic Algorithm
F Ritter, H Li
Proc. des 25. Forum Bauinformatik, 2012
Analyse der BIM-Software Revit Architecture 2015 anhand der Modellierung des Gebäudes der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen der TU München in Garching
C Hepf
Identifying Thermal Microgrids on the Basis of Spatialized Fuzzy Logic and Metamodelling
P Geyer, F Ritter
EG-ICE, 2015
Integration digitaler Gebäudesimulationen in den frühen Entwurfsphasen
F Ritter, G Schubert
Proc. of the 26th Forum Bauinformatik, 2014
Automated Design Space Exploration for Improved Early-Stage Decision-Making
F Ritter, B Trautmann, C Podgorski, A Borrmann
sustainable building 2013, 2013
Modeling the TUM Campus-BIM models of TUM buildings
A Braun, F Ritter
25. Forum Bauinformatik 2013
F Ritter, G Schubert, M Bügler, A Braun, J Amann, J Ramos Jubierre, ...
Proceedings of the 25th Forum Bauinformatik
SDE F. Ritter, G. Schubert, M. Bügler, A. Braun, J. Amann, J. R. Jubierre
Shaker, 2013
Softwareentwicklung mit Genetischen Algorithmen zur Unterstützung von Planern von Büro und Verwaltungsgebäuden in Stahl-und Stahlverbundbauweise im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit
F Ritter, L Huang
DASt Kolloquium, 2012
Controlled ventilation of historic churches-assessment of impact on the indoor environment via hygrothermal building simulation
A Holm, F Antretter, R Kilian, F Ritter, B Wehle
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