Sebastian Gajek
Sebastian Gajek
Professor of Information Security and Cryptography, Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
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Universally composable security analysis of TLS
S Gajek, M Manulis, O Pereira, AR Sadeghi, J Schwenk
Provable Security: Second International Conference, ProvSec 2008, Shanghai …, 2008
Analysis of signature wrapping attacks and countermeasures
S Gajek, M Jensen, L Liao, J Schwenk
2009 IEEE international conference on web services, 575-582, 2009
Compartmented security for browsers-or how to thwart a phisher with trusted computing
S Gajek, AR Sadeghi, C Stuble, M Winandy
The Second International Conference on Availability, Reliability and …, 2007
Breaking and fixing the inline approach
S Gajek, L Liao, J Schwenk
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM workshop on Secure web services, 37-43, 2007
Visual spoofing of SSL protected web sites and effective countermeasures
A Adelsbach, S Gajek, J Schwenk
Information Security Practice and Experience: First International Conference …, 2005
TruWallet: trustworthy and migratable wallet-based web authentication
S Gajek, H Löhr, AR Sadeghi, M Winandy
Proceedings of the 2009 ACM workshop on Scalable trusted computing, 19-28, 2009
Effective protection against phishing and web spoofing
R Oppliger, S Gajek
Communications and Multimedia Security: 9th IFIP TC-6 TC-11International …, 2005
Phishing phishers-observing and tracing organized cybercrime
D Birk, S Gajek, F Grobert, AR Sadeghi
Second International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP …, 2007
Dynamic symmetric searchable encryption from constrained functional encryption
S Gajek
Topics in Cryptology-CT-RSA 2016: The Cryptographers' Track at the RSA …, 2016
Risks of the cardspace protocol
S Gajek, J Schwenk, M Steiner, C Xuan
Information Security: 12th International Conference, ISC 2009, Pisa, Italy …, 2009
Provably secure browser-based user-aware mutual authentication over TLS
S Gajek, M Manulis, AR Sadeghi, J Schwenk
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Information, computer and …, 2008
IIoT and cyber-resilience: Could blockchain have thwarted the Stuxnet attack?
S Gajek, M Lees, C Jansen
AI & society 36 (3), 725-735, 2021
A forensic framework for tracing phishers
S Gajek, AR Sadeghi
IFIP International Summer School on the Future of Identity in the …, 2007
Stronger TLS bindings for SAML assertions and SAML artifacts
S Gajek, L Liao, J Schwenk
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM workshop on Secure web services, 11-20, 2008
A browser-based kerberos authentication scheme
S Gajek, T Jager, M Manulis, J Schwenk
Computer Security-ESORICS 2008: 13th European Symposium on Research in …, 2008
Method and system for modifying an authenticated and/or encrypted message
S Gajek, J Seedorf, O Dagdelen
US Patent 9,992,177, 2018
Method and system for providing a public key/secret key pair for encrypting and decrypting data
S Gajek
US Patent 9,256,763, 2016
Universally composable symbolic analysis of diffie-hellman based key exchange
R Canetti, S Gajek
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2010
Method and system for providing encrypted data on a client
S Gajek
US Patent 10,630,472, 2020
Trustworthy verification and visualisation of multiple XML-signatures
W Kubbilun, S Gajek, M Psarros, J Schwenk
Communications and Multimedia Security: 9th IFIP TC-6 TC-11International …, 2005
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