Hivatkozott rá
Hivatkozott rá
Survey of platforms for massive IoT
H Hejazi, H Rajab, T Cinkler, L Lengyel
2018 IEEE international conference on future IoT technologies (future IoT), 1-8, 2018
Model transformation by graph transformation: A comparative study
G Taentzer, K Ehrig, E Guerra, J De Lara, L Lengyel, T Levendovszky, ...
Proc. Workshop Model Transformation in Practice, Montego Bay, Jamaica, 17, 2005
A systematic approach to metamodeling environments and model transformation systems in VMTS
T Levendovszky, L Lengyel, G Mezei, H Charaf
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 127 (1), 65-75, 2005
Model transformation by graph transformation: A comparative study
K Ehrig, E Guerra, J De Lara, L Lengyel, T Levendovszky, U Prange, ...
MTiP, 2005
Towards automated, formal verification of model transformations
M Asztalos, L Lengyel, T Levendovszky
2010 Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2010
Supporting domain-specific model patterns with metamodeling
T Levendovszky, L Lengyel, T Mészáros
Software & Systems Modeling 8, 501-520, 2009
A synchronizing technique for syntactic model-code round-trip engineering
L Angyal, L Lengyel, H Charaf
15th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of …, 2008
SensorHUB: An IoT Driver Framework for Supporting Sensor Networks and Data Analysis
L Lengyel, P Ekler, T Ujj, T Balogh, H Charaf
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (7), 454379, 2015
Model transformation with a visual control flow language
L Lengyel, T Levendovszky, G Mezei, H Charaf
International Journal of Computer Science 1 (1), 45-53, 2006
ICT in road vehicles—Reliable vehicle sensor information from OBD versus CAN
Z Szalay, Z Kanya, L Lengyel, P Ekler, T Ujj, T Balogh, H Charaf
2015 International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent …, 2015
Metamodel-based model transformation with aspect-oriented constraints
L Lengyel, T Levendovszky, G Mezei, B Forstner, H Charaf
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 152, 111-123, 2006
Towards a fast, efficient and customizable domain-specific modeling framework
L Angyal, M Asztalos, L Lengyel, T Levendovszky, I Madari, G Mezei, ...
Proceedings of the IASTED international conference 31, 11-16, 2009
Validating rule-based algorithms
L Lengyel
Acta Polytech. Hung 12 (4), 17, 2015
Videometric mass flow control: A new method for real-time measurement and feedback control of powder micro-feeding based on image analysis
L Madarász, Á Köte, M Gyürkés, A Farkas, B Hambalkó, H Pataki, G Fülöp, ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 580, 119223, 2020
Online validation of visual model transformations
L Lengyel
PhD thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of …, 2006
Method of and compression tube for increasing pressure of a flowing gaseous medium, and power machine applying the compression tube
G Veres, L Lengyel
US Patent 5,083,429, 1992
A formalism for describing modeling transformations for verification
M Asztalos, L Lengyel, T Levendovszky
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering …, 2009
An overview of the state-of-the-art reverse engineering techniques
L Angyal, L Lengyel, H Charaf
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on …, 2006
Control flow support in metamodel-based model transformation frameworks
L Lengyel, T Levendovszky, G Mezei, H Charaf
EUROCON 2005-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool" 1, 595-598, 2005
Software composition with a multipurpose modeling and model transformation framework.
T Levendovszky, L Lengyel, H Charaf
IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering, 590-594, 2004
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