Frank Wilhelm-Mauch
Cited by
Cited by
Superconducting quantum bits
J Clarke, FK Wilhelm
Nature 453 (7198), 1031-1042, 2008
Quantum superposition of macroscopic persistent-current states
CH Van Der Wal, ACJ Ter Haar, FK Wilhelm, RN Schouten, C Harmans, ...
Science 290 (5492), 773-777, 2000
Simple pulses for elimination of leakage in weakly nonlinear qubits
F Motzoi, JM Gambetta, P Rebentrost, FK Wilhelm
Physical review letters 103 (11), 110501, 2009
Training Schrödinger’s cat: Quantum optimal control: Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe
SJ Glaser, U Boscain, T Calarco, CP Koch, W Köckenberger, R Kosloff, ...
The European Physical Journal D 69, 1-24, 2015
The quantum technologies roadmap: a European community view
A Acín, I Bloch, H Buhrman, T Calarco, C Eichler, J Eisert, D Esteve, ...
New Journal of Physics 20 (8), 080201, 2018
Quasiclassical Green’s function approach to mesoscopic superconductivity
W Belzig, FK Wilhelm, C Bruder, G Schön, AD Zaikin
Superlattices and microstructures 25 (5-6), 1251-1288, 1999
Josephson critical current in a long mesoscopic SNS junction
P Dubos, H Courtois, B Pannetier, FK Wilhelm, AD Zaikin, G Schön
Physical Review B 63 (6), 064502, 2001
Microwave photon counter based on Josephson junctions
YF Chen, D Hover, S Sendelbach, L Maurer, ST Merkel, EJ Pritchett, ...
Physical review letters 107 (21), 217401, 2011
Analytic control methods for high-fidelity unitary operations in a weakly nonlinear oscillator
JM Gambetta, F Motzoi, ST Merkel, FK Wilhelm
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 83 (1), 012308, 2011
Tunable, flexible, and efficient optimization of control pulses for practical qubits
S Machnes, E Assémat, D Tannor, FK Wilhelm
Physical review letters 120 (15), 150401, 2018
Mesoscopic superconducting–normal metal–superconducting transistor
FK Wilhelm, G Schön, AD Zaikin
Physical review letters 81 (8), 1682, 1998
Two-resonator circuit quantum electrodynamics: A superconducting quantum switch
M Mariantoni, F Deppe, A Marx, R Gross, FK Wilhelm, E Solano
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (10), 104508, 2008
Optimal control of a qubit coupled to a non-Markovian environment
P Rebentrost, I Serban, T Schulte-Herbrüggen, FK Wilhelm
Physical review letters 102 (9), 090401, 2009
Quantum–classical interface based on single flux quantum digital logic
R McDermott, MG Vavilov, BLT Plourde, FK Wilhelm, PJ Liebermann, ...
Quantum science and technology 3 (2), 024004, 2018
Optimal control of coupled Josephson qubits
A Spörl, T Schulte-Herbrüggen, SJ Glaser, V Bergholm, MJ Storcz, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (1), 012302, 2007
The B ravyi–K itaev transformation: Properties and applications
A Tranter, S Sofia, J Seeley, M Kaicher, J McClean, R Babbush, ...
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 115 (19), 1431-1441, 2015
Adaptive hybrid optimal quantum control for imprecisely characterized systems
DJ Egger, FK Wilhelm
Physical review letters 112 (24), 240503, 2014
Engineering decoherence in Josephson persistent-current qubits: Measurement apparatus and other electromagnetic environments
CH van der Wal, FK Wilhelm, C Harmans, JE Mooij
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 31, 111-124, 2003
Coherent charge transport in metallic proximity structures
AA Golubov, FK Wilhelm, AD Zaikin
Physical Review B 55 (2), 1123, 1997
Decoherence and gate performance of coupled solid-state qubits
MJ Storcz, FK Wilhelm
Physical Review A 67 (4), 042319, 2003
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Articles 1–20