Jiandong Ju
Jiandong Ju
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Domestic institutions and the bypass effect of financial globalization
J Ju, SJ Wei
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 2 (4), 173-204, 2010
Divisionalization, franchising, and divestiture incentives in oligopoly
MR Baye, KJ Crocker, J Ju
The American Economic Review, 223-236, 1996
Endowment structures, industrial dynamics, and economic growth
J Ju, JY Lin, Y Wang
Journal of Monetary Economics 76, 244-263, 2015
When is quality of financial system a source of comparative advantage?
J Ju, SJ Wei
Journal of International Economics 84 (2), 178-187, 2011
Firm behaviour and market access in a free trade area with rules of origin
J Ju, K Krishna
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 38 (1), 290-308, 2005
The impact of trade liberalization on the trade balance in developing countries
J Ju, Y Wu, L Zeng
IMF Staff Papers 57 (2), 427-449, 2010
A solution to two paradoxes of international capital flows
J Ju, SJ Wei
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006
Bilateral trade and shocks in political relations: Evidence from China and some of its major trading partners, 1990–2013
Y Du, J Ju, CD Ramirez, X Yao
Journal of International Economics 108, 211-225, 2017
Reputation premium and reputation management: Evidence from the largest e-commerce platform in China
Y Fan, J Ju, M Xiao
International Journal of Industrial Organization 46, 63-76, 2016
Productivity, profitability, production and export structures along the value chain in China
J Ju, X Yu
Journal of Comparative Economics 43 (1), 33-54, 2015
Impact of vaccination on the COVID-19 pandemic in US states
X Chen, H Huang, J Ju, R Sun, J Zhang
Scientific reports 12 (1), 1554, 2022
Endowment versus finance: a wooden barrel theory of international trade
J Ju, SJ Wei
CEPR discussion paper, 2005
Current account adjustment: some new theory and evidence
J Ju, SJ Wei
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2007
Market access and welfare effects of Free Trade Areas without rules of origin
J Ju, K Krishna
National Bureau of Economic Research, 1996
Welfare and market access effects of piecemeal tariff reform
J Ju, K Krishna
Journal of International Economics 51 (2), 305-316, 2000
Oligopolistic competition, technology innovation, and multiproduct firms
J Ju
Review of International Economics 11 (2), 346-359, 2003
On the connections between intra-temporal and intertemporal trades
J Ju, K Shi, SJ Wei
Journal of International Economics 92, S36-S51, 2014
Trade reforms and current account imbalances: when does the general equilibrium effect overturn a partial equilibrium intuition?
J Ju, K Shi, SJ Wei
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP9293, 2013
Income inequality and structures of international trade
F Demir, J Ju, Y Zhou
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 19 (2), 167-180, 2012
Divisionalization and franchising incentives with integral competing units
MR Baye, KJ Crocker, J Ju
Economics Letters 50 (3), 429-435, 1996
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Articles 1–20