Alexander Soutschek
Alexander Soutschek
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Comparison of the Working Memory Load in N-Back and Working Memory Span Tasks by Means of EEG Frequency Band Power and P300 Amplitude
C Scharinger, A Soutschek, T Schubert, P Gerjets
Frontiers in human neuroscience 11, 6, 2017
The dopaminergic reward system underpins gender differences in social preferences
A Soutschek, CJ Burke, A Raja Beharelle, R Schreiber, SC Weber, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (11), 819-827, 2017
Brain stimulation reveals crucial role of overcoming self-centeredness in self-control
A Soutschek, CC Ruff, T Strombach, T Kalenscher, PN Tobler
Science advances 2 (10), e1600992, 2016
When flanker meets the n‐back: What EEG and pupil dilation data reveal about the interplay between the two central‐executive working memory functions inhibition and updating
C Scharinger, A Soutschek, T Schubert, P Gerjets
Psychophysiology 52 (10), 1293-1304, 2015
Investigation on the improvement and transfer of dual-task coordination skills
T Strobach, PA Frensch, A Soutschek, T Schubert
Psychological research 76, 794-811, 2012
Brain stimulation over the frontopolar cortex enhances motivation to exert effort for reward
A Soutschek, P Kang, CC Ruff, TA Hare, PN Tobler
Biological psychiatry 84 (1), 38-45, 2018
Dissociable networks control conflict during perception and response selection: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
A Soutschek, PCJ Taylor, HJ Müller, T Schubert
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (13), 5647-5654, 2013
Working memory demands modulate cognitive control in the Stroop paradigm
A Soutschek, T Strobach, T Schubert
Psychological Research 77, 333-347, 2013
Modulation of executive control in dual tasks with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
T Strobach, A Soutschek, D Antonenko, A Flöel, T Schubert
Neuropsychologia 68, 8-20, 2015
Dopamine receptor-specific contributions to the computation of value
CJ Burke, A Soutschek, S Weber, A Raja Beharelle, E Fehr, H Haker, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 43 (6), 1415-1424, 2018
Dissociable effects of motivation and expectancy on conflict processing: An fMRI study
A Soutschek, C Stelzel, L Paschke, H Walter, T Schubert
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (2), 409-423, 2015
Dopaminergic D1 receptor stimulation affects effort and risk preferences
A Soutschek, G Gvozdanovic, R Kozak, S Duvvuri, N de Martinis, B Harel, ...
Biological Psychiatry 87 (7), 678-685, 2020
The importance of the lateral prefrontal cortex for strategic decision making in the prisoner’s dilemma
A Soutschek, M Sauter, T Schubert
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 15, 854-860, 2015
Motion coordination affects movement parameters in a joint pick-and-place task
C Vesper, A Soutschek, A Schubö
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (12), 2418-2432, 2009
Domain-specific control mechanisms for emotional and nonemotional conflict processing
A Soutschek, T Schubert
Cognition 126 (2), 234-245, 2013
Causal role of lateral prefrontal cortex in mental effort and fatigue
A Soutschek, PN Tobler
Human Brain Mapping 41 (16), 4630-4640, 2020
Conflict-specific effects of accessory stimuli on cognitive control in the Stroop task and the Simon task
A Soutschek, HJ Müller, T Schubert
Experimental psychology, 2013
Motivational and cognitive determinants of control during conflict processing
A Soutschek, T Strobach, T Schubert
Cognition and Emotion 28 (6), 1076-1089, 2014
Binding oneself to the mast: stimulating frontopolar cortex enhances precommitment
A Soutschek, G Ugazio, MJ Crockett, CC Ruff, T Kalenscher, PN Tobler
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 12 (4), 635-642, 2017
Effects of a virtual gender swap on social and temporal decision-making
E Bolt, JT Ho, M Roel Lesur, A Soutschek, PN Tobler, B Lenggenhager
Scientific reports 11 (1), 15376, 2021
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