Hannes Öhler
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Zitiert von
Donor coordination and specialization: did the Paris Declaration make a difference?
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler, R Thiele
Review of World Economics 149, 537-563, 2013
Does conditionality work? A test for an innovative US aid scheme
H Öhler, P Nunnenkamp, A Dreher
European Economic Review 56 (1), 138-153, 2012
Why donors of foreign aid do not coordinate: The role of competition for export markets and political support
A Fuchs, P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler
The World Economy 38 (2), 255-285, 2015
Aid allocation through various official and private channels: Need, merit, and self-interest as motives of German donors
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler
World Development 39 (3), 308-323, 2011
Needs‐based targeting or favoritism? The regional allocation of multilateral aid within recipient countries
H Öhler, P Nunnenkamp
Kyklos 67 (3), 420-446, 2014
Funding, competition and the efficiency of NGOs: An empirical analysis of non‐charitable expenditure of US NGOs engaged in foreign aid
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler
Kyklos 65 (1), 81-110, 2012
Need, merit and politics in multilateral aid allocation: A district‐level analysis of World Bank projects in India
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler, M Sosa Andrés
Review of Development Economics 21 (1), 126-156, 2017
Throwing foreign aid at HIV/AIDS in developing countries: Missing the target?
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler
World Development 39 (10), 1704-1723, 2011
Putting your money where your mouth is: geographic targeting of World Bank projects to the bottom 40 percent
H Öhler, M Negre, L Smets, R Massari, Ž Bogetić
PloS one 14 (6), e0218671, 2019
Financial dependence and aid allocation by Swiss NGOs: A panel tobit analysis
A Dreher, P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler, J Weisser
Economic Development and Cultural Change 60 (4), 829-867, 2012
How to attract donations: The case of US NGOs in international development
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler
The Journal of Development Studies 48 (10), 1522-1535, 2012
US based NGOs in international development: financial and economic determinants of survival
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler, T Schwörer
World Development 46, 45-65, 2013
Does government ideology affect personal happiness? A test
A Dreher, H Öhler
Economics Letters 111 (2), 161-165, 2011
Why it pays for aid recipients to take note of the Millennium Challenge Corporation: Other donors do!
A Dreher, P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler
Economics letters 115 (3), 373-375, 2012
Do aid donors coordinate within recipient countries?
H Öhler
Why it pays for aid recipients to take note of the Millennium Challenge Corporation: Other donors do
P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler
April, 2010
Acting autonomously or mimicking the state and peers? A panel Tobit analysis of financial dependence and aid allocation by Swiss NGOs
A Dreher, P Nunnenkamp, H Öhler, J Weisser
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2009
H Öhler, P Nunnenkamp
Competition and the Efficiency of NGOs: An Empirical Analysis of Non …, 2010
Does private aid follow the flag? An empirical analysis of humanitarian assistance
A Fuchs, H Öhler
The World Economy 44 (3), 671-705, 2021
Donations to US based NGOs in International Development Cooperation: How (Un-) Informed Are Private Donors
H Öhler, P Nunnenkamp
Februar, 2011
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