Changing Patterns of the Higher Education System. The Experience of Three Decades. Higher Education Policy Series, 5. U Teichler Taylor and Francis Group, 1900 Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007, 1988 | 480 | 1988 |
University rankings: Theoretical basis, methodology and impacts on global higher education JC Shin, RK Toutkoushian, U Teichler Dordrecht, 2011 | 421 | 2011 |
Higher education, research and innovation: Changing dynamics VL Meek, U Teichler, ML Kearney Report on the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, 2001 …, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
Hochschulsysteme und Hochschulpolitik: quantitative und strukturelle Dynamiken, Differenzierungen und der Bologna-Prozess U Teichler Waxmann, 2005 | 139 | 2005 |
Bestand und Perspektiven der Weiterbildung. Das Beispiel Hessen P Faulstich, U Teichler, A Bojanowski, O Döring Weinheim, 1991 | 117 | 1991 |
Research on academic mobility and international cooperation in higher education: An agenda for the future U Teichler HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY SERIES-LONDON-JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS LIMITED …, 1996 | 113 | 1996 |
The role of the European Union in the internationalization of higher education U Teichler The globalization of higher education, 88-99, 1998 | 105 | 1998 |
Aspectos metodológicos de las encuestas a graduados universitarios U Teichler Métodos de análisis de la inserción laboral de los universitarios, 15-29, 2003 | 102 | 2003 |
The conditions of the academic profession: An international comparative analysis of the academic profession in Western Europe, Japan and the USA U Teichler Inside academia: New challenges for the academic profession, 15-65, 1996 | 90 | 1996 |
Graduados y empleo. Investigación, metodología y resultados: los casos de Europa, Japón, Argentina y Uruguay U Teichler Miño y Dávila, 2005 | 87 | 2005 |
The changing nature of higher education in Western Europe U Teichler Higher Education Policy 9 (2), 89-111, 1996 | 87 | 1996 |
Der Hochschullehrerberuf im internationalen Vergleich: Ergebnisse einer Befragung über die wissenschaftliche Profession in 13 Ländern J Enders, U Teichler (No Title), 1995 | 80 | 1995 |
The academic profession in the light of comparative surveys EA Höhle, U Teichler The academic profession in Europe: New tasks and new challenges, 23-38, 2012 | 69 | 2012 |
Diversity in higher education in Germany: The two-type structure U Teichler 1996): The Mockers and the Mocked: Comparative Perspectives on …, 1996 | 69 | 1996 |
Reformas de los modelos de la educación superior en Europa, Japón y América Latina: análisis comparados U Teichler, U TEICHLER EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR 2 (9), 2006 | 59 | 2006 |
Geschichte und Struktur des japanischen Hochschulwesens U Teichler (No Title), 1975 | 58* | 1975 |
The Federal Republic of Germany U Teichler Prometheus Bound: The Changing Relationship Between Government and Higher …, 1991 | 57 | 1991 |
The formative years of scholars: proceedings from a symposium held at the Haga Forum, Stockholm, 9-11 November 2005 U Teichler (No Title), 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Profilierungspfade der Hochschulen im internationalen Vergleich U Teichler Profilbildung–Standards–Selbststeuerung. Ein Dialog zwischen …, 1999 | 52 | 1999 |
Good practices in university-enterprise partnerships GOODUEP JG Mora, JM Carot, A Detmer, A Vieira, DP Chaparro, U Teichler, ... Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |