Sabrina Arcaro
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Photocatalytic pathway on the degradation of methylene blue from aqueous solutions using magnetite nanoparticles
T de Oliveira Guidolin, NM Possolli, MB Polla, TB Wermuth, TF de Oliveira, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 318, 128556, 2021
Ballistic Ceramics and Analysis of their Mechanical Properties for Armour Applications: A Review
AB Dresch, J Venturini, S Arcaro, ORK Montedo, CP Bergmann
Ceramics International, 2021
Excess of cations in the sol-gel synthesis of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4): A pathway to switching the inversion degree of spinels
J Venturini, AM Tonelli, TB Wermuth, RYS Zampiva, S Arcaro, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 482, 1-8, 2019
Thermal insulating foams produced from glass waste and banana leaves
S Arcaro, BGO Maia, MT Souza, FR Cesconeto, L Granados, APN Oliveira
Materials Research 19 (5), 1064-1069, 2016
Vitrocrystalline foams produced from glass and oyster shell wastes
LB Teixeira, VK Fernandes, BGO Maia, S Arcaro, APN de Oliveira
Ceramics International 43 (9), 6730-6737, 2017
Sol-gel synthesis of substoichiometric cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) spinels: Influence of additives on their stoichiometry and magnetic properties
J Venturini, RYS Zampiva, S Arcaro, CP Bergmann
Ceramics International 44 (11), 12381-12388, 2018
Microwave-synthesized KNbO3 perovskites: photocatalytic pathway on the degradation of rhodamine B
TB Wermuth, S Arcaro, J Venturini, TMH Ribeiro, AAL Rodriguez, ...
Ceramics International 45 (18), 24137-24145, 2019
Synthesis and characterization of LZS/α-Al2O3 glass-ceramic composites for applications in the LTCC technology
S Arcaro, FR Cesconeto, F Raupp-Pereira, APN De Oliveira
Ceramics International 40 (4), 5269-5274, 2014
Innovative thermal and acoustic insulation foam by using recycled ceramic shell and expandable styrofoam (EPS) wastes
EG de Moraes, L Sangiacomo, NP Stochero, S Arcaro, LR Barbosa, ...
Waste Management 89, 336-344, 2019
Role of chemical admixtures on 3D printed Portland cement: Assessing rheology and buildability
MT Souza, IM Ferreira, EG de Moraes, L Senff, S Arcaro, JRC Pessôa, ...
Construction and Building Materials 314, 125666, 2022
Glass foams produced from soda-lime glass waste and rice husk ash applied as partial substitutes for concrete aggregates
FA da Silva Fernandes, S Arcaro, EFT Junior, JCV Serra, CP Bergmann
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 128, 77-84, 2019
Sintering-dependent mechanical and magnetic properties of spinel cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) ceramics prepared via sol-gel synthesis
LE Caldeira, WC Guaglianoni, J Venturini, S Arcaro, CP Bergmann, ...
Ceramics International 46 (2), 2465-2472, 2020
The influence of solvent composition in the sol-gel synthesis of cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4): A route to tuning its magnetic and mechanical properties
J Venturini, TB Wermuth, MC Machado, S Arcaro, AK Alves, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (12), 3442-3449, 2019
MWCNTs produced by electrolysis of molten carbonate: Characteristics of the cathodic products grown on galvanized steel and nickel chrome electrodes
S Arcaro, FA Berutti, AK Alves, CP Bergmann
Applied Surface Science 466, 367-374, 2019
Porous ceramic supported TiO2 nanoparticles: Enhanced photocatalytic activity for Rhodamine B degradation
AR de Araujo Scharnberg, AC de Loreto, TB Wermuth, AK Alves, S Arcaro, ...
Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 59 (6), 230-238, 2020
Cobalt-doped titanium oxide nanotubes grown via one-step anodization for water splitting applications
J Venturini, F Bonatto, WC Guaglianoni, T Lemes, S Arcaro, AK Alves, ...
Applied Surface Science 464, 351-359, 2019
Properties of LZS/nanoAl2O3 glass-ceramic composites
S Arcaro, B Moreno, E Chinarro, MD Salvador, A Borrell, MI Nieto, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 710, 567-574, 2017
Correlation of synthesis parameters to the structural and magnetic properties of spinel cobalt ferrites (CoFe2O4)–an experimental and statistical study
LE Caldeira, CS Erhardt, FR Mariosi, J Venturini, RYS Zampiva, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 550, 169128, 2022
Magnetic properties of magnetite-based nano-glass-ceramics obtained from a Fe-rich scale and borosilicate glass wastes
TG Avancini, MT Souza, APN de Oliveira, S Arcaro, AK Alves
Ceramics International 45 (4), 4360-4367, 2019
Nanostructured biological hydroxyapatite from Tilapia bone: A pathway to control crystallite size and crystallinity
HB Modolon, J Inocente, AM Bernardin, ORK Montedo, S Arcaro
Ceramics International 47 (19), 27685-27693, 2021
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