Ciprian-Alin Simion
Ciprian-Alin Simion
Ph.D Student, "Al.I. Cuza" University - Faculty of Computer Science, Bitdefender
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Feature mining and classifier selection for API calls-based malware detection
G Balan, CA Simion, DT Gavriluţ, H Luchian
Applied Intelligence 53 (23), 29094-29108, 2023
Improving detection of malicious samples by using state-of-the-art adversarial machine learning algorithms
CA Simion, G Balan, DT Gavriluţ
2022 15th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks …, 2022
Benchmarking Out of the Box Open-Source LLMs for Malware Detection Based on API Calls Sequences
CA Simion, G Balan, DT Gavriluţ
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2024
Using GANs to Improve the Accuracy of Machine Learning Models for Malware Detection
CA Simion, G Balan, DT Gavriluţ
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2022
Reducing Adversarial Vulnerability Using GANs
CA Simion
2022 24th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2022
An adversarial machine learning approach to evaluate the robustness of a security solution
CA Simion, DT Gavrilut, H Luchian
2019 21st International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2019
Crowdfunding Platforms at the Border between Security and Fraud
DM Iluca, AC Simion
Analele Stiintifice Ale Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza Din Iasi Stiinte …, 2018
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