Marco Weißmann
Marco Weißmann
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Geographisches Insititut
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Zitiert von
Potentials of low-budget microdrones: processing 3D point clouds and images for representing post-industrial landmarks in immersive virtual environments
M Weißmann, D Edler, A Rienow
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9, 886240, 2022
Cartographic Media as Mediators in Landscape Conflicts
D Edler, L Zilt, J Drews, K Reichert, M Weißmann, J Keil, A Korte, ...
Landscape conflicts, 389-401, 2024
Measuring physiological responses to visualizations of urban planning scenarios in immersive virtual reality
J Keil, M Weißmann, A Korte, D Edler, F Dickmann
KN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 73 (2), 117-126, 2023
Funktionen kartographischer Medien in touristischen Anwendungsszenarien
D Edler, J Keil, M Weißmann, F Dickmann
Landschaft und Tourismus, 221-236, 2023
Creating an Interactive Urban Traffic System for the Simulation of Different Traffic Scenarios
M Weißmann, D Edler, J Keil, F Dickmann
Applied Sciences 13 (10), 6020, 2023
The Development and simulation of an urban traffic system for the usage in immersive virtual environments
M Weißmann, D Edler, J Keil, F Dickmann
Abstracts of the ICA 5, 1-2, 2022
Geodatenkultur der Diversität: eine neopragmatische Skizzierung
D Edler, O Kühne, J Keil, A Korte, M Weißmann, C Galla, L Zilt, ...
KN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 73 (4), 317-333, 2023
Geospatial Data Culture of Diversity: a Neopragmatic Characterization
D Edler, O Kühne, J Keil, A Korte, M Weißmann, C Galla, L Zilt, ...
KN-Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information 73 (4), 317-333, 2023
The Implementation of a Dialogue Based Interaction Tool for the Usage in Immersive Virtual Environments
M Weißmann, D Edler, J Keil, F Dickmann
Abstracts of the ICA 6, 271, 2023
Measuring Physiological Responses to VR-Based Urban Environments
J Keil, M Weißmann, A Korte, D Edler, F Dickmann
Abstracts of the ICA 6, 121, 2023
Geodatenkultur der Diversität: eine neopragmatische Skizzierung= Geospatial data culture of diversity: a neopragmatic characterization
D Edler, O Kühne, J Keil, A Korte, M Weißmann, C Galla, L Zilt, ...
KN-Journal of cartography and geographic information-[Cham]: Springer …, 2023
Potentials of low-budget microdrones
M Weißmann, D Edler, A Rienow
Virtual Reality in Schools
M Weißmann, F Dickmann, PDDD Edler
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