Stephen E White
Stephen E White
Associate Professor of Political Science, Carleton University
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Cited by
The Political Resocialization of Immigrants: Resistance or Life-Long Learning?
S White, N Nevitte, A Blais, E Gidengil, P Fournier
Political Research Quarterly 61 (2), 268-281, 2008
Trust among recent immigrants in Canada: Levels, roots and implications for immigrant integration
A Bilodeau, S White
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (8), 1317-1333, 2016
A Tale of Two Liberalisms? Attitudes toward Minority Religious Symbols in Quebec and Canada.
L Turgeon, A Bilodeau, SE White, A Henderson
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2019
The Development of Dual Loyalties: Immigrants’ Integration to Canadian Regional Dynamics
A Bilodeau, S White, N Nevitte
Canadian Journal of Political Science 43 (3), 515-544, 2010
Immigration, citizenship, and Canada’s new conservative party
I Marwah, T Triadafilopoulos, SE White
Conservatism in Canada, 95-119, 2013
Strange Bedfellows? Attitudes toward Minority and Majority Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere
A Bilodeau, L Turgeon, S White, A Henderson
Politics and Religion 11 (2), 309-333, 2018
Making Up for Lost Time: Immigrant Voter Turnout in Canada
S White, N Nevitte, A Blais, J Everitt, P Fournier, E Gidengil
Electoral Insight 8 (2), 10-16, 2006
Earning their support: feelings towards Canada among recent immigrants
S White, A Bilodeau, N Nevitte
Ethnic and racial studies 38 (2), 292-308, 2015
Feeling Attached and Feeling Accepted: Implications for Political Inclusion among Visible Minority Immigrants in Canada
A Bilodeau, SE White, L Turgeon, A Henderson
International Migration 58 (2), 272-288, 2020
Citizen Expectations and Democratic Performance: The Sources and Consequences of Democratic Deficits from the Bottom Up
N Nevitte, S White
Imperfect Democracies: the Democratic Deficit in Canada and the United States, 2012
Canadian immigrants at the polls: the effects of socialisation in the country of origin and resocialisation in Canada on electoral participation
SE White
Political Science 69 (2), 101-121, 2017
Comparing Canada: Methods and perspectives on Canadian politics
L Turgeon, M Papillon, J Wallner, S White
UBC Press, 2014
Parliamentary Democracy in Canada
D Docherty, S White
Parliamentary Affairs 57 (3), 613-629, 2004
Attitudes toward Ethnocultural Diversity in Multilevel Political Communities: Comparing the Effect of National and Subnational Attachments in Canada
A Bilodeau, A Gagnon, SE White, L Turgeon, A Henderson
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 51 (1), 27-53, 2021
Seeing the same Canada?: Visible minorities' views of the federation
A Bilodeau, S White, A Henderson, L Turgeon
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2015
Public policies toward Aboriginal peoples: Attitudinal obstacles and uphill battles
S White, MM Atkinson, L Berdahl, D McGrane
Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique …, 2015
Canadian ethnocultural diversity and federal party support: the dynamics of Liberal partisanship in immigrant communities
SE White
PS: Political Science & Politics 50 (3), 708-711, 2017
Leadership, Partisan Loyalty, and Issue Salience: The 2011 Provincial Election in Saskatchewan
D McGrane, S White, L Berdahl, M Atkinson
Canadian Political Science Review 7 (1), 1-12, 2013
Are Canadians stealth democrats? An American idea comes north
MM Atkinson, S White, L Berdahl, D McGrane
American Review of Canadian Studies 46 (1), 55-73, 2016
Ethnic minority belonging in a multilevel political community: the role of exclusionary experiences and welcoming provincial contexts in Canada
A Bilodeau, S White, L Turgeon, A Henderson
Territory, Politics, Governance 12 (7), 928-947, 2024
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Articles 1–20