Joachim Saur
Joachim Saur
Professor of Geophysics, University of Cologne, Germany
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Transient water vapor at Europa’s south pole
L Roth, J Saur, KD Retherford, DF Strobel, PD Feldman, MA McGrath, ...
science 343 (6167), 171-174, 2014
Universality of solar-wind turbulent spectrum from MHD to electron scales
O Alexandrova, J Saur, C Lacombe, A Mangeney, J Mitchell, SJ Schwartz, ...
Physical review letters 103 (16), 165003, 2009
Identification of a dynamic atmosphere at Enceladus with the Cassini magnetometer
MK Dougherty, KK Khurana, FM Neubauer, CT Russell, J Saur, ...
Science 311 (5766), 1406-1409, 2006
Magnetospheric interactions with satellites
MG Kivelson, F Bagenal, WS Kurth, FM Neubauer, C Paranicas, J Saur
Jupiter: The planet, satellites and magnetosphere 1, 513-536, 2004
Interaction of the Jovian magnetosphere with Europa: Constraints on the neutral atmosphere
J Saur, DF Strobel, FM Neubauer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 103 (E9), 19947-19962, 1998
The search for a subsurface ocean in Ganymede with Hubble Space Telescope observations of its auroral ovals
J Saur, S Duling, L Roth, X Jia, DF Strobel, PD Feldman, UR Christensen, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (3), 1715-1737, 2015
Dynamics of Saturn's magnetosphere from MIMI during Cassini's orbital insertion
SM Krimigis, DG Mitchell, DC Hamilton, N Krupp, S Livi, EC Roelof, ...
Science 307 (5713), 1270-1273, 2005
Magnetic energy fluxes in sub-Alfvénic planet star and moon planet interactions
J Saur, T Grambusch, S Duling, FM Neubauer, S Simon
Astronomy & Astrophysics 552, A119, 2013
Three‐dimensional plasma simulation of Io's interaction with the Io plasma torus: Asymmetric plasma flow
J Saur, FM Neubauer, DF Strobel, ME Summers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A11), 25105-25126, 1999
Plasma interaction of Io with its plasma torus
J Saur, FM Neubauer, JEP Connerney, P Zarka, MG Kivelson
Jupiter: The planet, satellites and magnetosphere 1, 537-560, 2004
Energetic particle injections in Saturn's magnetosphere
BH Mauk, J Saur, DG Mitchell, EC Roelof, PC Brandt, TP Armstrong, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (14), 2005
TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission
A Coustenis, SK Atreya, T Balint, RH Brown, MK Dougherty, F Ferri, ...
Experimental Astronomy 23, 893-946, 2009
Time-varying interaction of Europa with the jovian magnetosphere: Constraints on the conductivity of Europa's subsurface ocean
N Schilling, FM Neubauer, J Saur
Icarus 192 (1), 41-55, 2007
The auroral footprint of Enceladus on Saturn
WR Pryor, AM Rymer, DG Mitchell, TW Hill, DT Young, J Saur, GH Jones, ...
Nature 472 (7343), 331-333, 2011
Evidence for temporal variability of Enceladus' gas jets: Modeling of Cassini observations
J Saur, N Schilling, FM Neubauer, DF Strobel, S Simon, MK Dougherty, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (20), 2008
Evidence for weak MHD turbulence in the middle magnetosphere of Jupiter
J Saur, H Politano, A Pouquet, WH Matthaeus
Astronomy & Astrophysics 386 (2), 699-708, 2002
UV Io footprint leading spot: A key feature for understanding the UV Io footprint multiplicity?
B Bonfond, D Grodent, JC Gérard, A Radioti, J Saur, S Jacobsen
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (5), 2008
Ion conics and electron beams associated with auroral processes on Saturn
DG Mitchell, WS Kurth, GB Hospodarsky, N Krupp, J Saur, BH Mauk, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A2), 2009
Wave‐particle interaction of Alfvén waves in Jupiter's magnetosphere: Auroral and magnetospheric particle acceleration
J Saur, S Janser, A Schreiner, G Clark, BH Mauk, P Kollmann, RW Ebert, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (11), 9560-9573, 2018
Large ocean worlds with high-pressure ices
B Journaux, K Kalousová, C Sotin, G Tobie, S Vance, J Saur, O Bollengier, ...
Space Science Reviews 216, 1-36, 2020
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