Roos Haer
Roos Haer
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Child soldiers as time bombs? Adolescents’ participation in rebel groups and the recurrence of armed conflict
R Haer, T Böhmelt
European Journal of International Relations 22 (2), 408-436, 2016
Children and armed conflict: looking at the future and learning from the past
R Haer
Third World Quarterly 40 (1), 74-91, 2019
A methodological note on quantitative field research in conflict zones: get your hands dirty
R Haer, I Becher
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 15 (1), 1-13, 2012
The impact of child soldiers on rebel groups’ fighting capacities
R Haer, T Böhmelt
Conflict Management and Peace Science 33 (2), 153-173, 2016
Rebel funding and child soldiers: Exploring the relationship between natural resources and forcible recruitment
R Haer, CM Faulkner, BE Whitaker
European Journal of International Relations 26 (1), 236-262, 2020
The constitutionalization of indigenous group rights, traditional political institutions, and customary law
K Holzinger, R Haer, A Bayer, DM Behr, C Neupert-Wentz
Comparative Political Studies 52 (12), 1775-1809, 2019
Becoming cruel: Appetitive aggression released by detrimental socialisation in former Congolese soldiers
R Weierstall, R Haer, L Banholzer, T Elbert
International Journal of Behavioral Development 37 (6), 505-513, 2013
Create compliance and cohesion: how rebel organizations manage to survive
R Haer, L Banholzer, V Ertl
Small Wars & Insurgencies 22 (3), 415-434, 2011
The study of child soldiering: issues and consequences for DDR implementation
R Haer
Third World Quarterly 38 (2), 450-466, 2017
Girl soldiering in rebel groups, 1989–2013: Introducing a new dataset
R Haer, T Böhmelt
Journal of Peace Research 55 (3), 395-403, 2018
Could rebel child soldiers prolong civil wars?
R Haer, T Böhmelt
Cooperation and Conflict 52 (3), 332-359, 2017
Former combatants on sexual violence during warfare: A comparative study of the perspectives of perpetrators, victims, and witnesses
R Haer, T Hecker, A Maedl
Human Rights Quarterly 37 (3), 609-628, 2015
Armed Group Structure and Violence in Civil Wars: The Organizational Dynamics of Civilian Killing
R Haer
Routledge, 2015
Cain´ s choice: causes of one-sided violence against civilians
G Schneider, LS Banholzer, R Haer
What is a chief without land? Impact of land reforms on power structures in Namibia
D Behr, R Haer, D Kromrey
Decentralization, democracy, and development in Africa, 46-63, 2018
Analyzing the microfoundations of human violence in the DRC-intrinsic and extrinsic rewards and the prediction of appetitive aggression
R Haer, L Banholzer, T Elbert, R Weierstall
Conflict and health 7, 1-8, 2013
Patterns of conflict-related trauma exposure and their relation to psychopathology: a person-centered analysis in a population-based sample from eastern DRC
L Dumke, R van der Haer, C Koos, T Hecker
SSM-mental health 1, 100005, 2021
Attaching and detaching: The successful reintegration of child soldiers
L Banholzer, R Haer
Journal of Development Effectiveness 6 (2), 111-127, 2014
Children at risk of being recruited for armed conflict, 1990–2020
G Østby, SA Rustad, R Haer, A Arasmith
Children & Society 37 (2), 524-543, 2023
Recruiting refugees for militarization: The determinants of mobilization attempts
R Haer, T Hecker
Journal of Refugee Studies 32 (1), 1-22, 2019
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